Category: Breads

New York Style Blueberry Bagels DIY

It’s easy to make chewy, delicious, authentic New York Style Blueberry Bagels from scratch! Grab the cream cheese and enjoy this classic treat!It's easy to make chewy, delicious, authentic New York Style Blueberry Bagels from scratch! Grab the cream cheese and enjoy this classic treat!
I love bagels, especially these authentic, made from scratch New York Style Blueberry Bagels. I love them plain or toasted, with cream cheese! My husband also loves a good bagel, and is notorious for grabbing a few “fresh” bagels from the bakery department at our local grocery store.

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Making Bagels From Scratch Is Economical!

Last year I decided to take on the challenge of making bagels from the comfort of my very own kitchen. That way I would know what was in them, and in the long run, it would be a lot cheaper than buying them at a coffee house or grocery store.

I’ve Made Several Bagel Varieties Over the Years

The first bagels I made were cranberry-orange and they were amazing (and not nearly as hard to make as I had imagined). Next came the jalapeno cheddar bagels, cinnamon crunch bagels, gingerbread bagels, and everything bagels… all with good results!

Trust me… these blueberry bagels are absolutely amazing! If you like bagels, AND you like blueberries, you really should try this recipe!

Look at these beautiful Oregon blueberries in the photo below! I picked almost 20 pounds of blueberries this past summer at a local U-Pick farm, so my freezer always seems to have bags full of frozen blueberries! I used fresh for this recipe, but either fresh OR frozen blueberries will work in this recipe.

Fresh picked blueberries used to make bagels

Is It Hard To Make New York Style Blueberry Bagels?

Honestly, NO. These NY style blueberry bagels are fairly easy to make, and there are a few steps to follow. But… the end result is creating bagels that are chewy, delicious, and bursting with blueberries! The only real thing you need to have is patience to wait for the dough to rise!

That waiting time for the dough to rise is truly the only hard part of making them. Don’t worry if the dough looks a little bit purple. That’s just from a little of the blueberry juice mixing into the dough… it’s all good!

Blueberry bagel dough on lightly floured surface

Dough for NY style blueberry bagels is formed into their distinctive circular shapes. Now they are ready to boil! Boiling them before baking helps ensure a chewy, authentic textured bagel!

Dough formed into 8 bagel shapes on floured surfaceBoil First Then Bake

True NY style blueberry bagels are boiled before they are baked.  This two step process gives them their nice, traditional chewy texture! It is one extra authentic step you will be glad you took!

Look at those gorgeous blueberry bagels boiling away in a big pot of water below. It sort of looks like a blueberry bagel jacuzzi, don’t ya think? They are only boiled for 3-4 minutes, so this extra step doesn’t take too long!

Blueberry bagels cooking in boiling water in pan

The bagels are boiled in batches in a LARGE pot of water, until all of them have been boiled.  Once the NY style blueberry bagels have been boiled, they are drained, just prior to baking.

Blueberry bagels, draining on baking sheet after boiling, just prior to baking.

Bake The New York Style Blueberry Bagels, Then Enjoy!

The blueberry bagels are baked at 425° F. for approximately 20 minutes. When done, the bagels will have risen, are baked all the way through, and are wonderfully golden brown on the outside. Bagels are then transferred to a wire rack to slightly cool, then served!

Voila! Here’s one of the hot, chewy New York Style Blueberry Bagels, fresh out of the oven! All that is left to do is slice it in half, toast it (if that’s how you like ’em), spread some cream cheese on it, and EAT IT! So good!

New York style blueberry bagels after baking, on wire rack

Trust me…if I can make delicious NY style blueberry bagels, so can YOU! Toast one, grab some cream cheese to spread on it, throw on a pot of coffee or tea… and ENJOY one of these delicious blueberry bagels! I love the crispy outside, combined with the chewy goodness on the inside. It tastes like an authentic New York-style bagel should! The blueberry bagels also freeze very well, which is an added bonus!

Thank you for stopping by today, and I hope you will come back soon for more delicious recipes. Have a GREAT day, and don’t forget to check out ALL my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page!

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe! 

There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

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The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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4 from 2 votes
New York Style Blueberry Bagels DIY
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
INACTIVE Prep Time (dough rising)
2 hrs
Total Time
2 hrs 50 mins
It's easy to make chewy, delicious, authentic New York Style Blueberry Bagels from scratch! Grab the cream cheese and enjoy this classic treat!
Category: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: blueberry bagels
Servings: 8 servings
Calories Per Serving: 221 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 1 (0.25 ounce) package (envelope) active dry yeast (2¼ tsp.)
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar
  • 1 1/4 cups warm water (divided)
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 cup blueberries tossed in additional 1/4 cup AP flour
  1. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in ½ cup of warm water. Let rest for 5 minutes. You should see little bubbles forming on the surface after 5 minutes or so, indicating yeast is "good" and "alive".

  2. In large bowl or bowl from a stand mixer, mix together salt and 3½ C. flour - making a "well" in the center of the flour. Add yeast mixture and remaining water to the flour mixture. Gently fold in blueberries that have been tossed in an additional ¼ cup of flour.

  3. Knead (either by hand or by using dough hook on your stand mixer) until dough becomes soft and elastic (this could take approx. 5 + minutes). Don't worry when you see dough turning a bit's all "good".

  4. Cover dough with a dishtowel, set bowl in a warm place and let dough rise until doubled (about 1 ½ hours).

  5. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface (I even lightly dusted the dough with flour so it was easier to work with). Divide dough into 8 balls (shape and pull edges of dough to the underside of the ball for a smoother ball). With floured hands, take both of your thumbs and press into the center of each ball, forming a hole, and stretch the hole to form a bagel shape (I even pick up the bagel dough and enlarge the hole from the bottom). Once bagels have been formed, let dough rest for 30 minutes.

  6. While dough rests, preheat oven to 425°F. and bring a large stockpot to a rolling boil. Boil bagels 2-3 at a time in boiling water for 3-4 minutes (make sure they float to the top at the end). Remove bagels from water. and place on an ungreased baking sheet, allowing bagels to drain a bit.

  7. Bake bagels on same baking sheet at 425°F. for 20-24 minutes, or until golden brown on top. When done, transfer bagels to a wire rack to cool, then ENJOY!

Nutrition Facts
New York Style Blueberry Bagels DIY
Amount Per Serving (1 bagel)
Calories 221
% Daily Value*
Sodium 437mg19%
Potassium 72mg2%
Carbohydrates 47g16%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 4g4%
Protein 5g10%
Vitamin A 10IU0%
Vitamin C 1.8mg2%
Calcium 8mg1%
Iron 2.6mg14%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!It's easy to make chewy, delicious, authentic New York Style Blueberry Bagels from scratch! Grab the cream cheese and enjoy this classic treat!




Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Have extra zucchini? Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread is a delicious chocolate loaf with a secret ingredient your kids will never know is in there…zucchini!Have extra zucchini? Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread is a delicious chocolate loaf with a secret ingredient your kids will never know is in there...zucchini!

I recently found this very easy recipe for Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread on Pinterest.  That same day I made a couple loaves, and my husband and I loved it! Two forms of chocolate are used… cocoa powder and chocolate chips!

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What To Do With A LOT Of Zucchini

I really enjoy growing my own vegetables in raised beds in our backyard. This past summer, my zucchini plants decided to become “over-achievers”. I had zucchini coming out of my ears (nice problem, huh?).

This prolific garden abundance (even after giving plenty to my family and neighbors), forced me to search for new creative ways to prepare it. I’ve made Curried Zucchini Soup, and Italian Stuffed Zucchini already. We love “regular” zucchini bread, but this CHOCOLATE zucchini bread? Get outta here… that sounds so GOOD!

Growing zucchini in our garden to be used for baking chocolate zucchini bread.


Solution – Make Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread!

This delicious chocolate zucchini bread was a perfect solution. The recipe is completely EASY to prepare, and the results were wonderful! Looks like I found a new way to utilize some of our home-grown zucchini!

I think the “hardest” part, if you can call it “hard” was grating the zucchini, since I made a couple loaves! That’s a LOT of grated zucchini from the garden being used to make loaves of this wonderful chocolate zucchini bread! But since it was going to a good cause, it was worth all the grating.

Grated zucchini used to make loaves of double chocolate zucchini bread.

This sweet chocolate zucchini bread is decadently rich and chocolaty, and you’d never know it has zucchini in it! That makes it perfect for hiding the veggies, for little ones with picky palates! I hope you will give it a try. The chocolate zucchini bread is easy to prepare, and is really quite delicious! Thanks for stopping by, and come back again soon.

Looking For More Sweet Bread Loaf Recipes?

You can find all of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. A few other family favorites include:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!

There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:
Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Pinterest: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Instagram: jbatthegratefulgirlcooks

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Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
1 hr 5 mins
Total Time
1 hr 25 mins
Have extra zucchini? Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread is a delicious chocolate loaf with a secret ingredient your kids will never know is in there...zucchini!
Category: Bread
Cuisine: American
Keyword: chocolate zucchini bread
Servings: 10 slices (1 loaf)
Calories Per Serving: 374 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups shredded , unpeeled zucchini (gently pressed between paper towels to remove some moisture)
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees; lightly grease an 8 1/2" x 4 1/2" loaf pan.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, honey, oil, sugar and vanilla.
  3. In separate bowl, whisk together the salt, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa and flour.
  4. Add flour mixture to the egg mixture, and stir well until combined.
  5. Stir in the zucchini and the chocolate chips.
  6. Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake for 65-75 minutes (oven temps vary), or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Remove pan from oven; transfer pan to a wire rack. Let cool for approx. 10-15 minutes before turning the bread out of the pan onto the rack. Cool bread completely before slicing. Enjoy!
Nutrition Facts
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Amount Per Serving (1 slice)
Calories 374 Calories from Fat 171
% Daily Value*
Fat 19g29%
Saturated Fat 13g81%
Cholesterol 33mg11%
Sodium 308mg13%
Potassium 285mg8%
Carbohydrates 48g16%
Fiber 3g13%
Sugar 27g30%
Protein 5g10%
Vitamin A 105IU2%
Vitamin C 4.5mg5%
Calcium 45mg5%
Iron 2.9mg16%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Have extra zucchini? Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread is a delicious chocolate loaf with a secret ingredient your kids will never know is in there...zucchini!









Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones

Fall is here, and it’s time to enjoy delicious Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones (a Starbucks copycat recipe), with cinnamon spiced and powdered sugar glazes!Fall is here, and it's time to enjoy delicious Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones (a Starbucks copycat recipe), with cinnamon spiced and powdered sugar glazes!

I think you’re going to love these Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones! Our family sure loves them! The recipe (which I found online) is a copycat recipe of the classic Starbucks glazed pumpkin scones.

Easy and delicious, they are perfect for breakfast (or a quick afternoon treat with coffee or tea) any time of the year. HOWEVER… there’s something about Fall that screams “Bake these glazed PUMPKIN scones…now!”

The scones are glazed with a powdered sugar glaze once done, THEN they are glazed again with a spiced glaze. This spiced glaze, with cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves has all the warm flavors associated with Fall.

Here’s how to make these double glazed pumpkin scones.

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Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones Are Perfect To Serve This Time Of Year

There’s just something about cool weather, warm jackets, fires in the fireplace, pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg that just “goes” together, right?

The traditional flavors of Fall are definitely present in these delicious scones! That’s why these double glazed PUMPKIN scones are perfect for this time of year!

Pumpkin glazed scones go perfect with Fall... pumpkins are everywhere!

Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones Are Delicious!

These scones are ridiculously delicious! They are NOT crumbly and dry, and that’s a good thing because there’s nothing worse than that in a scone. 

The pumpkin scones are flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. These traditional spices combine to create the unique “Fall” pumpkin spice flavor featured in these scones.

Double glazed pumpkin scones on a white plate, ready to serve!
Get comfy on your couch or in front of a nice fire in the fireplace and enjoy every bite of these Fall inspired glazed pumpkin scones!

If you’ve never made scones before, no worries. They are very easy to make, and you will love the yummy results!

Double glazed pumpkin scones are ready to eat!

Scones, Scones… And More Scones!

I didn’t take a bunch of photos to document the process this time. If you’d like to see photos of the “basics” for making scones, you can see them in my recipe for Chocolate Chip Orange Scones.

I also have a LOTS of scone recipes listed in the Recipe Index, found at the top of each blog post. I’m confident there will be a scone recipe there you will enjoy! Here is a photo collage of several of them!

A collage of other scone recipes available on blog besides glazed pumpkin scones.

Hope you enjoy making these glazed pumpkin scones, and trust that you will enjoy them as much as we do. They’re so good!

Thank you for stopping by, and I invite you to come back again soon for more family-friendly recipes. Take care, and have a fantastic day!

Looking For More SCONE Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, which is located at the top of the page. I have a great selection of scone recipes to check out, including:

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I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with lots of recipes, tips, etc..
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There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use.
You can submit your e-mail address there, to be added to my mailing list.

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The Grateful Girl Cooks!

Double-Glazed Pumpkin Scones / The Grateful Girl Cooks!Recipe Source:


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Double-Glazed Pumpkin Scones
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
25 mins
Fall is here, and it's time to enjoy delicious Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones (a Starbucks copycat recipe), with cinnamon spiced and powdered sugar glazes!
Category: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: glazed pumpkin scones
Servings: 6 scones
Calories Per Serving: 503 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
For Scones:
  • 2 cups flour
  • 7 Tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 6 Tablespoons cold , unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
  • 3 Tablespoons half and half
  • 1 large egg
For powdered sugar glaze #1:
  • 1 cup + 1 TBSP powdered sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons milk
For spiced glaze #2:
  • 1 cup + 3 TBSP powdered sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 pinch ground ginger
  • 1 pinch ground cloves
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lightly oil (or spray) a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and spices in a large bowl. Using a pastry blender, or fork, (or just slightly pulse these ingredients in a food processor), cut the butter into the dry ingredients until mixture is crumbly and there are no obvious big chunks of butter. Set the bowl aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, half and half, and egg. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Mix together, and then form the dough into a ball.
  3. Pat out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and form into a circle, rolling or shaping it out to about 1 inch high and approx. 8 inches wide. Using a pizza cutter or a long, sharp knife (I'm a knife girl, myself), slice dough circle in half, width-wise, then equally cut each half into 3 pieces (just like cutting a pie, right?). You should end up with 6 scones. (*If you want some really small, light-bite scones: divide the dough ball in half and form two wedges, then cut as usual.)
  4. Bake scones at 425 degrees for 14-16 minutes on prepared baking sheet (*slightly less time if making the much smaller scones). Scones should begin to turn light brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Add glaze after scones have cooled completely. Serves 6. Enjoy!
  5. To make Glaze #1 (plain glaze): Mix the powdered sugar and 2 TBSP milk till smooth. When scones have cooled, use a pastry brush to "paint" the glaze over the top of each scone. Let dry (harden) slightly.
  6. To make Glaze #2 (spiced glaze): Mix the ingredients for the spiced glaze together. Drizzle this thicker glaze over the plain glaze and allow the glaze to dry (harden) before serving (approx. 1 hour). It is easy to drizzle this glaze with a whisk (or a squirt bottle works fantastic!).
Recipe Notes

If you want smaller scones, there are 2 options. 1) Slice dough wedge into 8 wedges before baking, OR 2) Divide dough into 2 rounds, then cut each one into 6 small scones. If cooking the much smaller portions (option 2), remember to adjust baking time... they will take less time to bake.

Nutrition Facts
Double-Glazed Pumpkin Scones
Amount Per Serving (1 scone (1/6th of total))
Calories 503 Calories from Fat 126
% Daily Value*
Fat 14g22%
Saturated Fat 8g50%
Cholesterol 61mg20%
Sodium 283mg12%
Potassium 321mg9%
Carbohydrates 89g30%
Fiber 2g8%
Sugar 54g60%
Protein 6g12%
Vitamin A 3600IU72%
Vitamin C 0.8mg1%
Calcium 127mg13%
Iron 2.6mg14%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Fall is here, and it's time to enjoy delicious Double Glazed Pumpkin Scones (a Starbucks copycat recipe), with cinnamon spiced and powdered sugar glazes!











Pita Bread DIY

It’s EASY making pita bread from scratch! You will enjoy eating and using this traditional puffy pocket bread, for appetizers or sandwiches!It's EASY making pita bread from scratch! You will enjoy eating and using this traditional puffy pocket bread, for appetizers or sandwiches!
Do you ever see a recipe and think to yourself “Hmmm…that might be kinda fun to try?” Well, to be honest, making pita bread had never been high on my bucket list, and I was curious HOW to make it…then I saw a recipe for homemade pita bread posted on Pinterest, and made it. It was so fantastic, I want to share the recipe, so…here is a Pita Bread DIY!

I first saw the recipe more as a challenge to try something new, versus a food item I couldn’t live without, but the part of me that was up for a new challenge won out. And guess what? I now love them!

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What Can You Use Pita Bread For?

They are best served warm with some homemade Hummus, but are also very good when stuffed with sandwich meats or (my favorite) chicken salad. Yum. I’ve made them many times since I first tried this recipe. Trust me, this recipe for pita bread is a keeper.

Here’s a pita, shown stuffed full with chicken salad! Simply slice the pita open, and stuff with your choice of meats and/or veggies, for a delicious sandwich!

Pita bread, stuffed with chicken salad

Before Baking… And After Baking, This Pita Bread Is Amazing!

Here’s what the dough looks like, rolled out and ready to bake. They go into the oven flat as a pancake, but just wait until they are done baking…

Dough for pita bread, rolled out in circles on cutting board

Here is the pita bread, hot out of the oven. See how it is gorgeous and puffed up. Isn’t that amazing?

Puffy pita bread, hot from the oven

They are actually very easy to make; there is something quite satisfying about seeing a flat little circle of dough puff up like the Stay Puft (yes, I did have to look up how to spell this!) Marshmallow Man in the movie Ghostbusters.

Sure hope you will give these a try. I think you will enjoy making them AND eating them! Have a great day, and come back soon!

Looking For More BREAD Recipes?

You can find all my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have quite a few delicious homemade bread recipes you may enjoy, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!

There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:
Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Pinterest: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Instagram: jbatthegratefulgirlcooks

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Pita Bread DIY
Prep Time
1 hr 10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
1 hr 25 mins

It's EASY making pita bread from scratch! You will enjoy this puffy pocket bread, for appetizers or sandwiches!

Category: Bread
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Keyword: pita bread
Servings: 6 servings
Calories Per Serving: 267 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 1 Tablespoon active yeast
  • 1 1/4 cups warm water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3-3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Let sit for 5 minutes. Add 1 tsp. salt and 1 1/2 cups of the flour to the yeast mixture. Put the dough hook attachment on the mixer and beat to make the batter. Continue to add the rest of the flour, a little at a time (you may not need the entire 3 1/2 cups), until a rough "shaggy" mess has formed. Continue kneading the dough for 8 minutes or so, until the dough has become somewhat smooth and elastic. (Add more flour if the dough is still too sticky).
  2. Transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface. Tear dough into 6 pieces (for larger pitas) or 10 pieces (for smaller pitas). Form each dough piece into a ball, trying to tuck the seams under, to the bottom of the "ball". Once the dough balls have been formed, put them back onto the slightly floured surface, and flatten them with a rolling pin to between 1/4-1/2 inch thick (try to keep an even thickness for each pita). Let the dough "rest" for approx. 30-40 minutes, till slightly "puffed".
  3. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Using a spatula, scoop up each pita and flip it upside down onto a large cookie sheet (or sheets, depending on the number of pitas you are cooking). Bake the pitas at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes (usually around 15), or till light golden brown. The pitas will miraculously puff up while baking...such fun just how they turn out! When done, remove pitas from oven and let cool on a wire rack. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

Pitas are fantastic, served warm with hummus (cut them into triangles), or cut in half to form pockets for sandwiches. You can even cut them into triangles, brush them lightly with olive oil, and put them back in the oven till crisp (for pita chips). Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts
Pita Bread DIY
Amount Per Serving (1 pita)
Calories 267
% Daily Value*
Sodium 389mg17%
Potassium 84mg2%
Carbohydrates 55g18%
Fiber 2g8%
Protein 7g14%
Calcium 11mg1%
Iron 3.4mg19%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!

It's EASY making pita bread from scratch! You will enjoy eating and using this traditional puffy pocket bread, for appetizers or sandwiches!



Orange Cheese Danish Pastry

Enjoy a delicious Orange Cheese Danish Pastry, a buttery, orange-glazed treat filled with orange-flavored cream cheese and ricotta. Recipe makes 2 pastries!Enjoy a delicious Orange Cheese Danish Pastry, a buttery, orange-glazed treat filled with orange-flavored cream cheese and ricotta. Recipe makes 2!
SERIOUSLY- Some mornings you just don’t want a nutritious, healthy breakfast. Period. I know that’s how it is for me some days…I want to eat a healthy breakfast, but… you know how it is. That’s how this recipe for Orange Cheese Danish Pastry came about.

You know how it is at times when you wake up and all you want is a humongous cup of steaming hot coffee and something sweet and “not so good for you”?

It was that way for me one morning, so I went on a search for something tasty that would rock my world (in a “breakfast-y” kind of way), and found this recipe.

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At the Bottom Of The Page

How This Orange Cheese Danish Pastry Is Made

I don’t have a lot of photos (sorry-my bad), but the process for making this delicious pastry is fairly simple. An orange-flavored cream cheese and ricotta cheese filling is mixed with other ingredients.

This creamy mixture is then spread down the middle of puff pastry sheets. The pastry dough is sliced and “decoratively draped over the filling in a cross-wise “weaving” sort of way.

The pastries (the recipe make TWO) are then baked until golden brown, and then glazed with an orange-flavored icing. Sliced almonds are also sprinkled over the top! Once the glaze firms up, this incredible tasting breakfast treat is ready to slice and EAT!

The orange cheese danish pastry is topped with glaze and sliced almonds when done.

This orange cheese danish pastry is fairly easy to make, and is really tasty! Why not give it a try…I think you will be surprised at how delicious it is! Hope you enjoy this Orange Cheese Danish Pastry! Have a great day.

Looking For More PASTRY Recipes?

You can find all of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. A few favorite pastry recipes include:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:
Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Pinterest: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
Instagram: jbatthegratefulgirlcooks

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Orange Cheese Danish Pastry
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
25 mins
Total Time
55 mins

Enjoy a delicious Orange Cheese Danish Pastry, a buttery, orange-glazed treat filled with orange-flavored cream cheese and ricotta. Recipe makes 2!

Category: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: orange cheese danish
Servings: 10
Calories Per Serving: 428 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 4 ounces ricotta cheese
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 Tablespoons butter , softened
  • 1 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons grated orange rind
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 sheets frozen puff pastry , thawed (1 lb.)
  • 1/2 cup confectioners sugar (powdered)
  • 1 Tablespoon orange juice
  • 2 Tablespoon sliced almonds (or you can use walnuts or pecans)(optional)
  1. Combine cheeses, sugar, egg, butter, flour, orange rind and vanilla in a large bowl. Beat with a whisk, or an electric mixer on medium speed, until well blended.
  2. Carefully unfold the pastry sheet into a rectangle; place it on a baking sheet.
  3. With a sharp knife make 2-inch deep cuts at 1-inch intervals on the long sides of the pastry. Spread 1/2 of the cheese mixture down the center 3 inches of the pastry.
  4. Crisscross strips over the filling, alternating sides and bringing the strips all the way across the filling.
  5. Repeat process for the second pastry.
  6. Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven approximately 25 minutes or until the bottom of the pastry is golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.
  7. While pastry is cooling down, sift confectioners sugar into the orange juice in a bowl. Mix until the icing is smooth.
  8. Drizzle the mixture over the pastries, then sprinkle with sliced almonds.
  9. Serve and Enjoy!
Nutrition Facts
Orange Cheese Danish Pastry
Amount Per Serving (1 slice (1/10 of total))
Calories 428 Calories from Fat 252
% Daily Value*
Fat 28g43%
Saturated Fat 10g63%
Cholesterol 41mg14%
Sodium 195mg8%
Potassium 85mg2%
Carbohydrates 37g12%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 14g16%
Protein 7g14%
Vitamin A 300IU6%
Vitamin C 2.1mg3%
Calcium 53mg5%
Iron 1.6mg9%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Enjoy a delicious Orange Cheese Danish Pastry, a buttery, orange-glazed treat filled with orange-flavored cream cheese and ricotta. Recipe makes 2!





