Classic Creme Bruleé is a decadent dessert that can be made with only 5 ingredients. It has a custard filling, and a “crackable” sugar crust on top. And… it’s SO GOOD!
Well, another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. My husband and I have been sick for the past 10 days with major head colds and stubborn coughs. Time for Classic Creme Bruleé to make it all better, right?
We were going to go out together as is our tradition, but neither of us felt like it this year. We were just too tired and sick to enjoy the celebration.
Well that’s a great sad tale, but the bottom line is “You still have to eat, right?” Right. Believe me, if I could’ve snapped my fingers and summoned my own personal chef to cook a fabulous meal and then clean it all up, I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash.
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Valentines Day Dinner For The “Sickies”
But I live in reality world, so to ensure we didn’t shrivel up and die from starvation (*note: this might be an over-exaggeration on my part*), I decided to DRAG my “sniffle-y, cough-y” self (in my pajamas, I might add) into the kitchen and rustle up a decent dinner.
I ended up making pan seared Creole Salmon, with fresh asparagus and rice. Not bad for a sicko, right? But wait…there’s more. I decided to give it the old college try and make a nice dessert for my Valentine, even if it killed me. What did I make, you ask?
Classic Creme Bruleé! An easy, but decadent dessert that my husband LOVES. If you have never made creme brulee, give it a try. It’s truly a delicious classic! Hope you enjoy it… I know we did and we will (it made 4 portions…just our luck…leftovers tomorrow!!!!!)
I even changed out of my “sick-girl” pajamas to eat dinner and dessert. A proud moment. The End. Here’s how to make this yummy dessert.
Making Classic Creme Bruleé
Here is the classic creme bruleé, right after it came out of the oven. My handy dandy butane kitchen torch is waiting patiently nearby to make the “magic” happen!
Ready For The Blow Torch!
The top of each creme bruleé is sprinkled with a layer of granulated sugar, and now they are ready for the blow torch to crystallize the sugar on top into a crackly delight!
The sugar has been torched, and is now browned and hardened to form a crunchy crust on top of this classic creme bruleé. Ooh… I can hardly wait!
Ready To EAT!
Grab a spoon and crack through the top of one of these decadent desserts! Can you see how the sugar crust cracks? That is perfect, and exactly what it is supposed to do!
This creme bruleé dessert is so creamy, rich tasting, and good. Go ahead… take another bite. You’re gonna enjoy this treat.
Hope you enjoy this classic creme bruleé. It truly is a classic “must try” dessert. Be sure to check out my recipe for Chocolate Creme Brulee. It’s really tasty, too. Have a great day, and come back soon for more recipes!
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Recipe Adapted from the back of the box my ramekins came in… true story.

- 6 egg yolks
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
- 3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 6 teaspoons granulated sugar (for the caramelized tops)
- 6- piece Creme Brulee set , OR 4 ramekins + baking pan (with sides) that will hold all 4 ramekins
- Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
- In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks and 1/4 cup sugar together. Whisk until sugar has dissolved and egg yolk mixture is thick and light in color.
- Add the whipping cream and vanilla extract; whisk until blended. Strain the mixture into a large bowl, skimming off any foam or bubbles.
- Place wire rack in baking pan (if using brulee set) and fill pan halfway with water.
- Place the ramekins into the wire rack (if using brulee set) or into the baking pan and carefully pour the brulee mixture into the 4 ramekins. (Note: the water should cover the bottom half of the ramekins)
- Bake brulee at 300 degrees until the edges are set, but still slightly loose in the center, approximately 50-55 minutes. Remove pan from oven (carefully!), and let it rest on a wire rack until completely cooled. Once cooled, remove the cups from the rack and chill the brulee at least 2 hours or more.
- Before serving, sprinkle 1 1/2 tsp. granulated sugar evenly across the top of each one. Using a small, hand-held torch, carefully melt the topping by keeping the flame approx. 2-3 inches from the top of the sugar and move flame around, as the sugar melts, then caramelizes. Do not burn the just needs to be a nice caramel color. As the caramelized sugar cools, it will form a hard "crackable" surface for your brulee. This is my favorite part!
- Once you remove the ramekins from the refrigerator where they have chilled, place them back in the pan (no water), and place them NO MORE than 5 inches under the oven's broiler until the sugar melts (in as little as 2 minutes). Remove pan promptly from the oven and cool. Re-chill the brulee in the refrigerator for several minutes, for optimum serving temperature.
Other flavor options: replace vanilla with 1 tsp. orange extract, 1 tsp. grated orange peel and 1/4 tsp. nutmeg OR use your favorite chocolate or espresso flavoring.
Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!