Pear Butter (no pectin)

Make several jars of pear butter for yourself or to give to friends! Delicious on toast, yogurt or ice cream! Canning instructions are included.
Make several jars of pear butter for yourself or to give to friends! Delicious on toast, yogurt or ice cream! Canning instructions included.

Today I want to share a recipe for making homemade pear butter, and have included instructions for canning this delicious spread for storage. One of my favorite fruit butters to make and can has always been apple butter, because I love the flavor of apples and cinnamon. Well. let me tell you, pear butter is equally awesome, and it’s filled with cinnamon and nutmeg flavor, too!

My husband and I were blessed to receive a large bag of ripe pears last summer from one of our neighbors who grows them. I knew immediately I wanted to make pear butter, so I got my canning “stuff” together and got busy! As a result, we’ve been enjoying it for almost a year now! Even if you don’t want to “can” it, you can make several jars to give to family or friends for immediate enjoyment. Here’s how to make it:

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Prepare The Pears For Cooking

Peel the pears, and remove the core from each one (discard core). Slice the pears, then place them in a large Dutch oven or stockpot. Add granulated sugar, ground cinnamon, lemon juice, and nutmeg to the pot, and stir to combine. Cook for 10 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally, then remove the pan from the heat.

Ripe pears are prepped by peeling and removing cores.Twelve cups of peeled and sliced pears in a large soup pot, ready to cook.Sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and nutmeg are added to the sliced pears.

Puree The Pears (Two Methods)

There are two methods for pureeing the pears. FIRST METHOD: If you have a hand-held immersion blender, you can puree the pears and juice right in the stockpot after cooking. SECOND METHOD: If you don’t have an immersion blender, you can use a standard blender. Here’s how: Use a SLOTTED spoon to remove the hot pears out of the pot, and transfer them to a large bowl. Leave the bulk of the “juice” still in the stockpot.

After pears cook for a few minutes, they are removed from the pan with a slotted spoon.After pears are removed from pan, the cinnamon sugar pear juices remain in pot.

The next step is to blend the pears in a blender. You may need to do this in a couple batches, due to the amount of pears. Fill the blender about halfway with hot pears. Put the lid on (hold it down securely), and begin blending on low speed for a few seconds, then increase speed until the pears are pureed.

Pears are pureed in a blender before cooking further.Pureed pears are blended and are now ready to cook and turn into pear butter.


Blend just until the pears are smooth and liquified, then pour the “puree” back into the pot with the reserved juice. Repeat until all pears have been blended and added back into the pot. Continue cooking on LOW heat, stirring occasionally, for approximately 60 minutes.

How Do I Know When It Is Done?

Pear butter is done when it can be lightly mounded on a spoon (without running) OR by using the method I call the “Frozen Plate Thing”. The frozen plate method is a great way to test for doneness when no pectin has been used to thicken jams or fruit butter. Pan ahead, because you will need to put a plate in the freezer for an hour before using this method. For this recipe I put it in the freezer when I start preparing and peeling the pears.

What exactly is this “No Plate Thing”? Basically, it is a tried and true method to check and see if the jam has thickened enough to be ready to be consumed. To do this, grab the plate out of the freezer. Put a teaspoon of the hot pear butter onto the frozen plate. If the pear butter “sets up” and doesn’t run on the plate within the first minute, it’s ready. If it is too runny, put the plate back in the freezer and continue to cook the pear butter a few more minutes. Try again, and once the pear butter will set up, it’s ready, and can be refrigerated for immediate use.

The pureed pears are added back into the cinnamon sugar and juices in pan.Pear butter is finished cooking when it can be mounded onto a spoon without running.

Canning Pear Butter For Long Term Storage

To can pear butter for long term storage, follow manufacturer instructions for preparing water bath canner, pre-heating jars, flat lids and screwbands. This recipe will typically yield between 5-6 cups of pear butter.

Use any combination of half-pint or pint sized jars that you have. Ladle the hot pear butter into pre-heated jars, being sure to leave a ¼” headspace. Insert a plastic knife several times to remove air bubbles, then wipe the rims of the jars until clean with a damp cloth. Add the flat lid and screwband (ring) to each jar, and tighten the ring to fingertip tightness.

Place jars on wire rack and lower rack carefully into simmering water in canner. Make sure the water level is 1″ OVER the top of the jars (add more hot water if necessary). Turn the heat up and bring to a gentle, rolling boil. Process the jars for 10 minutes after the water comes to a boil. When done, use canning tongs to safely remove jars from the canner, and set jars on a dish towel (not directly on counter) to cool.

Pear butter is added to canning jars before adding to the water bath canner.Jars of pear butter on canning rack are processed for 20 minutes in boiling water.

Storing And Using Home-Canned Pear Butter

Let the jars cool for at least 12 hours (or overnight) without moving them. You should hear the jars “pop” as each jar seals. If they’ve sealed properly, there should be no give when you press on the middle of the lid with a finger after jars have cooled. Test the seal on each jar and if there is a “good seal”, then the pear butter can be stored safely long-term.  Any jars that do not properly seal are not safe to store long-term, but can be refrigerated and used as needed.

Pear butter is delicious as a spread for toast and biscuits, and it also tastes WONDERFUL served on plain yogurt or vanilla ice cream! The cinnamon flavor really makes this topping shine, and I believe you will love it as much as we do.

Several jars of canned pear butter cooling on a dish towel.A piece of toast with some of the homemade pear butter spread on it.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you enjoy this recipe! Please come back soon for more family-friendly recipes, take care… and have a great day!

Looking For More JAM or FRUIT BUTTER Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have lots of jam recipes for you to enjoy, including:

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Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

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The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Recipe adapted from:


0 from 0 votes
Pear Butter (no pectin)
Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
1 hr
Canning Time
10 mins
Total Time
1 hr 30 mins

Make several jars of pear butter for yourself or to give to friends! Delicious on toast, yogurt or ice cream! Canning instructions included.

Category: Jam
Cuisine: American
Keyword: pear butter
Servings: 80 Tablespoons (5 cups total)
Calories Per Serving: 24 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 12 cups sliced fresh pears (RIPE!) peeled, cored & sliced
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  1. Peel, core and slice pears; place them in large Dutch oven or stockpot. Add sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, and nutmeg; stir to combine. Cook 10 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally; remove pan from heat.

  2. Use slotted spoon to remove pears from pan; transfer to large bowl. Leave "juice" in the stockpot.

  3. Fill blender halfway with hot pears (do this in batches). Hold the lid on securely; blend on low speed for a few seconds, then increase speed just until pears are pureed and smooth. Pour "puree" back into the pot with the juice. Repeat until all pears are blended and added back to pot. Continue cooking on LOW heat, stirring occasionally, for approx. 60 minutes.

  4. Pear butter is done when it can be mounded on a spoon (without running) OR by using a method I call the "Frozen Plate Thing". Frozen plate method is a way to test thickness when no pectin has been added. Plan ahead, as you need to put a plate in the freezer for an hour before you need it. After cooking pea butter, grab the plate out of the freezer. Put a teaspoon of hot pear butter onto frozen plate. If pear butter "sets up" and doesn't run on the plate within the first minute, it's ready. If it's too runny, put plate back in the freezer; Continue to cook pear butter a few more minutes. Try again- once pear butter will set up, it's ready, and can be refrigerated in airtight containers or jars for immediate use.

  1. To can pear butter for long term storage, follow manufacturer instructions for preparing water bath canner, heating jars, flat lids and screwbands. This recipe will yield between 5-6 cups of pear butter.

    Use any combination of half-pint or pint sized jars that you have. Ladle hot pear butter into pre-heated jars, being sure to leave a ¼" headspace. Insert a plastic knife or utensil several times to remove air bubbles. Wipe rims of jars until clean with a damp cloth. Add flat lid and screwband (ring) to each jar; tighten ring to fingertip tightness.

    Place jars on wire rack; lower rack carefully into simmering water in canner. Make sure water level is 1" OVER the top of the jars (add more hot water if necessary). Turn heat up; bring to a gentle, rolling boil. Process jars for 10 minutes after water comes to a boil. When done, use canning tongs to remove jars from canner. Set hot jars on a dish towel (not directly on counter) to cool.

  2. Let jars cool for 12 hours (or overnight) without moving them. You should hear jars "pop" as they seal. If sealed properly, there should be no give when you press down on the middle of the lid with a finger after jars have cooled. Test seal on each jar- if there is a "good seal", then jars can be stored safely long-term.  Any jars that do not properly seal are not safe to store long-term, but can be refrigerated and used as needed.

Recipe Notes

NOTE: Caloric calculation was made assuming 5 cups is total quantity of pear butter made, with each serving equal to one Tablespoon.

Nutrition Facts
Pear Butter (no pectin)
Amount Per Serving (1 Tablespoon)
Calories 24
% Daily Value*
Fat 0.05g0%
Saturated Fat 0.01g0%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.02g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.02g
Sodium 0.3mg0%
Potassium 29mg1%
Carbohydrates 6g2%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 5g6%
Protein 0.1g0%
Vitamin A 6IU0%
Vitamin C 1mg1%
Calcium 3mg0%
Iron 0.1mg1%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Make several jars of pear butter for yourself or to give to friends! Delicious on toast, yogurt or ice cream! Canning instructions included.

Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits

Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits are buttery, filled with blueberries, topped with sweet glaze, and take 15 minutes prep. They’re DELICIOUS!
Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits are buttery, filled with blueberries, topped with sweet glaze, and take 15 minutes prep. They're DELICIOUS!

Have you ever had a sweet, blueberry BISCUIT before? They’re pretty amazing! After trying these biscuits the first time I was hooked, so I decided to show you how easy they are to make! Did I mention the fact that THEY ARE DELICIOUS? Uh huh… they sure are!

I’ve included step by step photos, so if you’ve never made biscuits before, you can be successful with these! After the biscuits have baked and cooled, a sweet vanilla icing is brushed on top for a nice finishing touch! Here’s how to make vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits:

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Make The Biscuit Dough

The first thing you need to do is preheat your oven to 500°F. Now it’s time to make the biscuit dough! Place 2 cups flour, granulated sugar, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl and stir, to combine. Cut in COLD butter using a pastry blender or two forks until the butter has become about the size of peas.

Slowly drizzle buttermilk into the dry ingredients in the bowl, and stir it in only until the buttermilk has been combined with the dry ingredients. The biscuit dough should pull away from the sides of the mixing bowl and form a shaggy ball of dough.

Cold butter is cut into the dry biscuit ingredients in a bowl.Buttermilk is slowly drizzled into the dry biscuit mixture.

Roll Out The Dough And Add Blueberries!

Generously sprinkle a large workspace with flour. Place the dough ball onto the floured workspace (I use my good old large cutting board), then sprinkle the dough with some more flour. Using your fingers, press the dough out, and then flatten it out until the dough is about 1/2″ thick. The dough is very workable and you won’t need a rolling pin to do this.

Place the FROZEN blueberries onto HALF of the dough, leaving a small edge bare on the blueberry side (as seen below in 2nd photo). Carefully fold the bare side of the dough in half, up and over the blueberries, trying to make the edges meet.

NOTE: THIS STEP CAN BE A BIT CHALLENGING! Those silly little frozen blueberries tend to roll out the sides… just keep stuffing them back in with your fingers the best you can! It will NOT be perfect… just try to cover as much as you can.

A shaggy ball of biscuit dough on a floured work surface before being flattened.Frozen blueberries are added to half of the biscuit dough.Half of the biscuit dough is pulled up and over the blueberries.

Cut Out The Biscuits

Once the blueberries are “in” the dough, fold the dough over, and gently knead it with your hands a couple of times. Re-flatten the dough back out with your hands until it is about 1″ thick. Don’t worry if the blueberries “bleed” their blue color onto the dough… that is no big deal!

Use a biscuit cutter, the top of a glass, or a canning jar lid to cut out the biscuits. I use an old canning lid ring! NOTE: When you press straight down on the dough, do not twist the cutting item around. Simply press straight down to cut the biscuit, then remove the dough from your “cutter of choice”. 

When using a regular sized canning jar ring or a cup, I can get 8 biscuits from the dough. If you are using a large biscuit cutter (4″), you may only get 6 biscuits from the dough. Your choice!

Dough is gently kneaded then it's ready for biscuits to be cut out.A small canning jar lid is used to cut out 8 blueberry biscuits from the dough.

Time To Bake!

Place the biscuits into a cast iron skillet (or other oven-safe skillet. Make sure when you place them in the skillet that all the biscuits are touching each other. This allows the biscuits to rise up instead of widen out. Place the skillet in the preheated oven and bake at 500°F. for 6 minutes.

While the biscuits are baking, melt 4 Tablespoons (1/2 stick) of butter in a small pan. Once the biscuits have cooked for 6 minutes, pull the skillet out of the oven. Using a pastry brush, spread the surface of the biscuits with the melted butter. If it looks like a lot of butter don’t worry- it will bake into the biscuits… trust me! Just don’t skip this step, and use all the melted butter!

Put the biscuits back into the oven and finish baking them for another 4-6 minutes. Oven temps can vary greatly, so keep an eye on them. When done the biscuits should be very light golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the middle of a biscuit should come out free of batter.

Biscuits are placed in a cast iron skillet, touching each other for baking.Melted butter is poured over the partially baked biscuits, then skillet goes back into oven.Baked blueberry biscuits have absorbed butter and are golden brown when done.

Cool, Then Glaze The Biscuits

Remove the skillet of biscuits from the oven and let it cool for about 10 minutes on a wire rack. While they are cooling, mix together the simple vanilla glaze. To make the glaze, combine powdered sugar, milk and vanilla extract in a small mixing bowl. Stir well, until the glaze is lump-free and smooth.

After the blueberry biscuits have cooled for 10 minutes, use a pastry brush to cover them with the glaze. You can pour the glaze over them if you prefer, but I have found I get them covered best by brushing on the glaze. Try to get every nook and cranny covered!

A simple vanilla glaze is made by combining powdered sugar, milk and vanilla.Brushing icing on the cooled vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits, after baking.

Serve The Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits

Let the vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits cool a few minutes longer, until the glaze has firmed up a bit. Once the glaze is firm, the biscuits are ready to be gobbled up. Use a knife to separate each biscuit from the others, then use a spatula to remove a biscuit from the skillet for serving.

The biscuits are filled with plump, juicy blueberries, have a wonderful texture, and the sweet glaze makes them practically perfect in every way. YUM! Any leftovers can be covered with plastic wrap, then reheated in a microwave on medium-low heat to enjoy later.

After the icing firms up, the vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits are ready to eat. A fork and one of the vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits, on a white plate.

I hope you enjoy making and eating these truly delicious vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits! Thank you for stopping by today, and I invite you to come back soon for more family-friendly recipes. Take care, and have a GREAT day!

Looking For More BREAKFAST Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have a great variety of breakfast recipes for you to check out, including:

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Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Original recipe source:


0 from 0 votes
Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
12 mins
Total Time
27 mins

Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits are buttery, filled with blueberries, topped with sweet glaze, and take 15 minutes prep. They're DELICIOUS!

Category: Bread/Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: vanilla glazed blueberry biscuits
Servings: 8 biscuits
Calories Per Serving: 371 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
For Biscuit Dough:
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 Tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 stick butter (equals 8T. or ½ cup) COLD, cut in chunks
  • ¾ cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup FROZEN blueberries unthawed
  • ½ stick butter (equals 4T. or ¼ cup) MELTED
For Vanilla Glaze:
  • 1 cup powdered sugar (confectioner's)
  • 3 Tablespoons milk
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 500°F.

  2. Place flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in large mixing bowl; stir, to combine. Cut in COLD butter with pastry blender or two forks until butter becomes the size of peas. Slowly drizzle buttermilk into the dry ingredients; stir only until is incorporated into ingredients. Mixture should pull away from sides of bowl and form a shaggy dough ball.

  3. Generously sprinkle a cutting board or workspace with extra flour. Place dough ball onto floured workspace; sprinkle dough with more flour. Using your fingers, press dough and flatten it out until 1/2" thick. Place FROZEN blueberries onto HALF of the dough, leaving a small edge bare around the edges of that half. Carefully fold the empty half of the dough up and over the blueberries, until edges meet. NOTE: This can be a bit challenging! The blueberries tend to roll out the sides... just keep stuffing them back in the best you can! Turn the dough over, and gently knead it with your hands a couple of times. Re-flatten dough with your hands until 1" thick. Don't worry if blueberries "bleed" color onto dough!

  4. Use a biscuit cutter, rim of a glass glass, or a canning jar lid to cut out the biscuits. NOTE: When you press down on dough, don't twist biscuit cutter around. Simply press straight down to cut the biscuit, then remove dough circle. *Using canning jar lid or a cup can yield 8 biscuits from the dough. If using large biscuit cutter (4"), you may only get 6 biscuits.

  5. Place biscuits into a 9" cast iron skillet (or oven-safe skillet). Make sure biscuits are touching each other. This allows biscuits to rise up instead of widen out. Place in preheated oven; bake at 500°F. for 6 minutes. While biscuits bake, melt 4 T. butter in small pan. Once biscuits have cooked for 6 minutes, pull skillet out of oven. Brush surface of biscuits with melted butter. Don't skip this step, and use all the melted butter! Put biscuits back into oven: continue baking another 4-6 minutes. Oven temps can vary, so keep an eye on them. When done, biscuits should be golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the middle of a biscuit should come out clean. Remove from oven; put skillet on wire rack; let biscuits cool (in skillet) for10 minutes.

  6. While biscuits cool, make vanilla glaze. Stir powdered sugar, milk and vanilla together in small bowl, until glaze is smooth and lump-free. Once biscuits have cooled 10 minutes, use a pastry brush to fully cover them with glaze.

  7. Let cool until glaze has firmed up, then serve. Use a knife to separate biscuits, then a spatula to remove biscuits from skillet. Leftovers can be reheated in microwave on medium-low heat.

Nutrition Facts
Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits
Amount Per Serving (1 biscuit)
Calories 371 Calories from Fat 162
% Daily Value*
Fat 18g28%
Saturated Fat 11g69%
Trans Fat 1g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 5g
Cholesterol 48mg16%
Sodium 310mg13%
Potassium 243mg7%
Carbohydrates 48g16%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 23g26%
Protein 4g8%
Vitamin A 582IU12%
Vitamin C 2mg2%
Calcium 109mg11%
Iron 2mg11%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Vanilla Glazed Blueberry Biscuits are buttery, filled with blueberries, topped with sweet glaze, and take 15 minutes prep. They're DELICIOUS!


Homemade Caramel Sauce

Make a batch of delicious Homemade Caramel Sauce using only 3 ingredients! This sauce is a perfect topping for ice cream and other desserts!
Make a batch of delicious Homemade Caramel Sauce using only 3 ingredients! This sauce is a perfect topping for ice cream and other desserts!

Did you know it actually is very simple to make homemade caramel sauce at home? YEP… it sure is! The only ingredients needed to make it are butter, sugar and whipping cream (or half and half). That’s it! Best of all, you can make it in under 10 minutes! The recipe as written below, will yield about 1½ cups of sauce, and can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator.

This creamy caramel sauce is lip-smackin’ good, too! Buttery and smooth, you may find yourself dipping a big old spoon into it, in order to get a good taste. Knowing how to make homemade caramel sauce can save you yet another trip to the grocery store to buy it, which is a plus in my book! Here’s how to make this delicious dessert sauce:

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Let’s Make Some Caramel Sauce

Place 4 Tablespoons of softened butter into a large skillet (non-stick or cast iron work best!). Add 1¼ cups of granulated sugar, and then cook on Medium-High heat and stir, as the sugar begins melting. Keep an eye on the pan, because the sugar will slowly start to lightly brown. Stir it occasionally, and watch it carefully, so it doesn’t burn. In the 3rd photo below, you can see the sugar has begun to melt at the bottom of the skillet.

Butter and granulated sugar are heated in a large skillet.As it cooks, the sugar and butter begin to turn slightly brown in color.The granulated sugar begins to melt as it heats up in the skillet.

Keep cooking until the sugar turns amber in color (as shown below), stirring as it cooks. The heating time will usually be about 3-5 minutes total, so keep an eye on it! Once the sugar has completely melted, and the caramel sauce is smooth (no lumps), remove the skillet immediately from the heat.

Butter and granulated sugar begin to turn amber in color and liquefy as it cooks.Once sugar and butter are completely melted and smooth, the skillet is removed from the heat.

Time To Finish The Caramel Sauce!

When the skillet is OFF the heat, slowly pour a cup of heavy whipping cream (or half and half) into the skillet. The COLD cream will sputter and bubble as it is added to the smooth, HOT caramel mixture! Keep stirring or whisking in the cream until it has fully been incorporated into the homemade caramel sauce.

Whipping cream (or half and half) is stirred into the hot caramel sauce.

Serving Homemade Caramel Sauce

Once the cream has been incorporated fully into the sauce, the homemade caramel sauce is ready to go! We usually let it cool slightly, then spoon the WARM sauce over a favorite dessert.

Homemade caramel sauce tastes wonderful drizzled over ice cream, or on top of a slice of pound cake! We also love to drizzle it over apple pie, apple bars, or my Apple Shortbread Tart (seen in 2nd photo below). I’ve also been known (*cough, cough) to enjoy a spoonful of it all by itself… YUM!

Homemade caramel sauce is drizzled over vanilla ice cream.Apple shortbread tart and ice cream, drizzled with the homemade caramel sauce.

The homemade caramel sauce leftovers can be stored up to a week, when covered and refrigerated. It will solidify some as it is chilled. To re-use it, gently reheat the sauce and then give it a good stir before serving.

Leftover caramel sauce is stored in a covered container in a refrigerator for up to a week.

I hope you have the chance to make this simple homemade caramel sauce. It tastes great on a variety of desserts, and is simple to make, from the convenience of home. Thanks for stopping by today, and I invite you to come back soon for more delicious, family-friendly recipes.

Looking For More DESSERT SAUCE Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, which is located at the top of the page. I have several delicious dessert sauces for you to enjoy, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Recipe adapted from a recipe (page 114), torn out of an old issue of Sunset Magazine (original month and year are unknown)


0 from 0 votes
Homemade Caramel Sauce
Prep Time
2 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Total Time
7 mins

Make a batch of delicious Homemade Caramel Sauce using only 3 ingredients! This sauce is a perfect topping for ice cream and other desserts!

Category: Dessert Sauce
Cuisine: All Cuisines
Keyword: homemade caramel sauce
Servings: 24 (1 Tablespoon per serving)
Calories Per Serving: 91 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 4 Tablespoons butter (don't use margarine)
  • cups granulated sugar
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream or half and half
  1. Place butter in a large skillet. Add 1¼ cups of granulated sugar; cook on Medium-High heat and stir, as sugar begins melting. Keep an eye on the pan-sugar will slowly start to brown. Stir occasionally, and watch carefully, so it doesn't burn. Sugar will begin to liquefy.

  2. Keep cooking until sugar turns amber in color; keep stirring as it cooks. Total cooking time is usually 3-5 minutes total, Once sugar has completely melted, and sauce is smooth (no lumps), remove skillet immediately from heat.

  3. Slowly pour whipping cream (or half and half) into skillet. The COLD cream will sputter and bubble as it is added to HOT caramel mixture! Keep stirring or whisking in the cream until it is fully incorporated into caramel sauce.

  4. Let sauce cool slightly, then serve WARM sauce over a favorite dessert. Leftover sauce can be stored in a covered container in refrigerator for up to a week.

Recipe Notes

NOTE: Caloric calculation was made using heavy whipping cream.
**If you are using half and half instead, each serving (1 Tablespoon) will be approx. 70 calories. 

Nutrition Facts
Homemade Caramel Sauce
Amount Per Serving (1 Tablespoon)
Calories 91 Calories from Fat 54
% Daily Value*
Fat 6g9%
Saturated Fat 3g19%
Trans Fat 0.1g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2g
Monounsaturated Fat 1g
Cholesterol 16mg5%
Sodium 18mg1%
Potassium 10mg0%
Carbohydrates 11g4%
Sugar 11g12%
Protein 0.3g1%
Vitamin A 204IU4%
Vitamin C 0.1mg0%
Calcium 7mg1%
Iron 0.02mg0%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Make a batch of delicious Homemade Caramel Sauce using only 3 ingredients! This sauce is a perfect topping for ice cream and other desserts!


Beef Tips and Gravy

Enjoy delicious Beef Tips and Gravy on top of mashed potatoes or buttered noodles! One pan and minimal prep makes this a great dinner for 2.
Enjoy delicious Beef Tips And Gravy on top of mashed potatoes or buttered noodles! One pan and minimal prep makes this a great dinner for 2.

If you’re looking for a simple recipe to make great tasting beef tips and gravy, I would suggest giving THIS one a try. I enjoy ordering beef tips at a one of our favorite restaurants, but also like making them at home using this recipe.

This recipe only takes a few minutes to prepare, and then it is cooked low and slow to ensure the beef turns out nice and tender. A simple gravy is stirred in once the meat is tender, and then this dish is ready to enjoy!

Truly this is an “easy” meal to prepare, and tastes wonderful, served on noodles or mashed potatoes (made while the beef cooks).

The recipe, as written below, makes about 3 servings, but can be easily modified to make more for larger families. Here’s how to make this yummy dinner:

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Pan-Sear The Beef And Onions

Heat oil on High in a large Dutch oven or soup pot until very hot, but not smoking. Add stew meat and chopped onions to the oil, and cook, stirring often for 8-10 minutes.

The beef should be nicely browned on all sides, and the onions should be tender and lightly browned.

Cubes of stew meat and onions cooking in oil in large saucepan.

Cook The Beef Tips Until Tender

Add Worcestershire sauce, black pepper and garlic powder to the pan. Stir to combine these ingredients with the meat. Pour a 14 ounce can of beef broth into the pan, and stir again to combine. Bring the liquid up to a boil, then turn the heat down to a low simmer.

Put a cover on the pan, and let the beef tips cook for about 90 minutes, or until they become fork-tender. Be sure to check the meat at about 60 minutes.

If too much of the liquid has cooked out, simply add a tiny bit more broth (or water) to the pan, and stir it in. When the beef has become fork-tender, it is time to make the gravy.

TIP: Use the time available while the beef cooks to make mashed potatoes, noodles, or even rice, if desired. Serve the beef tips and gravy on top of any of these options for the best tasting finished meal.

Spices and Worcestershire sauce are added to the beef and onions in pan.Beef broth is added to seasoned meat and onions in saucepan, then cooked for 90 minutes.

Making The Gravy

TIP: Do not make the gravy until you’re sure the beef is fork-tender! To make the gravy, place ¼ cup of flour in a measuring cup. Add enough water to measure one cup. Use a fork to blend the flour and water together until it is smooth and lump-free. This is called a “slurry”.

To make the gravy, remove the lid from the pan, and turn the heat up to High. Once the liquid begins to boil, slowly add about half the slurry to the pan. Be sure to stir the gravy very well while adding, to incorporate it with the remaining liquid in pan.

Continue to slowly add slurry until the gravy has thickened. Once thickened, remove the pan of beef tips and gravy from the heat.

NOTE: You may not need all of the slurry to achieve a thick gravy. If you had too much liquid left in the pan, you may need a bit more slurry added to thicken to your desired consistency. My experience has been that I do not use all of the slurry, but “almost all” of it.

Flour and water is mixed together to form a slurry, used to make gravy.Beef tips and gravy are ready to serve when beef is tender and gravy has thickened.

Time To Enjoy Beef Tips And Gravy!

Once the gravy has thickened, this delicious dish is ready to be served hot. Beef tips and gravy can be served over hot, buttered egg noodles OR on a bed of creamy mashed potatoes. Our favorite way to enjoy it is on top of mashed potatoes!

Spoon the beef chunks over the potatoes and then spoon additional gravy over the top and serve. YUM! The gravy tastes wonderful and goes perfectly with those mashed potatoes!

A bed of mashed potatoes provides the base for the beef tips and gravy.A portion of the beef tips and gravy, served on top of creamy mashed potatoes.

I hope you enjoy this recipe for beef tips and gravy! We sure do! The recipe will yield about 3 servings, if made as written, but can easily be doubled to serve more. The leftovers can be reheated easily in a microwave the next day, as well.

Thank you for stopping by today, and I hope you will come back soon for more delicious recipes. Take care, have a GREAT day, and may God bless you and yours.

Looking For More BEEF Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, which is located at the top of the page. I have some wonderful beef recipes you may want to check out, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Recipe adapted from: https:/


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Beef Tips And Gravy
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
1 hr 35 mins
Total Time
1 hr 50 mins

Enjoy delicious Beef Tips and Gravy on top of mashed potatoes or buttered noodles! One pan and minimal prep makes this a great dinner for 2.

Category: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: beef tips and gravy
Servings: 3
Calories Per Serving: 313 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 pound stew beef in 1 - 1½ inch cubes
  • ½ medium yellow onion peeled, diced
  • 1 cup low sodium beef broth
  • 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
For Gravy:
  • ¼ cup all purpose flour
  1. Heat oil on High in a large Dutch oven or soup pot until very hot, but not smoking. Add stew meat and chopped onions; cook, stirring often for 8-10 minutes. Beef should be well browned on all sides; onions should be tender.

  2. Add Worcestershire sauce, black pepper and garlic powder to pan. Stir to combine. Pour beef broth into pan; stir to combine. Bring liquid to a boil, then reduce heat to a low simmer. Put lid on the pan. Let beef cook (covered) about 90 minutes, or until beef is fork-tender. Stir it a couple of time while cooking. Check it at about 60 minutes. If too much liquid has cooked out, add a tiny bit more broth (or water) to the pan, and stir it in. When you're sure the beef is fork-tender, make the gravy.

Make Gravy (only when beef is fork-tender!)
  1. Place ¼ cup flour in measuring cup. Add enough water to measure 1 cup. Use a fork to blend flour/water together until smooth & lump-free. This is a "slurry". Remove lid from pan; turn heat to High. Once liquid begins to boil, slowly add about half the slurry, stirring well while adding, to combine it with remaining liquid in pan. Continue to slowly add slurry until gravy has thickened to desired consistency. NOTE: You may not need all of the slurry to achieve a thick gravy.

  2. Once gravy has thickened, remove pan from the heat and serve over hot, buttered egg noodles, rice, OR mashed potatoes. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

NOTE: Caloric calculation was made only for beef tips and gravy. Potatoes, rice or noodles are not included in final calculation.

Nutrition Facts
Beef Tips And Gravy
Amount Per Serving (1 (1/3 of total))
Calories 313 Calories from Fat 108
% Daily Value*
Fat 12g18%
Saturated Fat 3g19%
Trans Fat 0.03g
Polyunsaturated Fat 3g
Monounsaturated Fat 4g
Cholesterol 94mg31%
Sodium 380mg17%
Potassium 815mg23%
Carbohydrates 12g4%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 2g2%
Protein 36g72%
Vitamin A 11IU0%
Vitamin C 3mg4%
Calcium 49mg5%
Iron 4mg22%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Enjoy delicious Beef Tips And Gravy on top of mashed potatoes or buttered noodles! One pan and minimal prep makes this a great dinner for 2.

Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake

Make a scrumptious Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake with 5 minutes prep and 10 minutes cooking time! Easy recipe makes 2 gooey molten lava cakes!
Make a scrumptious Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake with 5 minutes prep and 10 minutes cooking time! Easy recipe makes 2 gooey molten lava cakes!

Now that summer is officially upon us, I decided to share a recipe for a delicious dessert that can be easily made in an air fryer! Because this simple, decadent recipe only takes 5 minutes to prepare, and takes only 10 minutes in an air fryer, it won’t heat up your kitchen too much!

If you’ve neve tried a chocolate molten lava cake before, you’re in for a TREAT! Once an air fryer chocolate lava cake has cooked, it is allowed to cool for just a few minutes. Then once you take the first forkful out of it, the fudgy, chocolate center oozes out of the cake… just like a lava flow! It is wonderfully delicious, and today I want to show you how simple they are to make.

You will need an air fryer for this recipe! I received mine several years ago as a birthday gift from family, and it is a hot-air driven appliance. Food cooks with super hot air (like a convection oven) in shorter amounts of time. I found the original recipe in a recipe booklet that came with my Cosori air fryer, and love it. Here’s how to make air fryer chocolate lava cake:

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Make The Batter For The Chocolate Lava Cakes

TIP: To save time, preheat your air fryer to 320°F. while making the cake batter. The batter takes 5 minutes or less to make, and you want the air fryer preheated and ready to use, once the batter is made.

To make the cake batter, place semi-sweet (or dark) chocolate chips and butter in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on High power for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir the ingredients until completely smooth. If necessary, put the bowl back in the microwave an additional 15-30 seconds if chocolate did not completely melt on the first try. Stir again. Once done, the chocolate and butter mixture should be smooth.

Butter and chocolate chips are melted in a microwave safe bowl.Bowl with melted butter and melted chocolate chips, stirred until smooth.

Whisk powdered sugar, one egg, and one egg YOLK into the chocolate batter until fully combined. Once combined, fold flour into this mixture until incorporated. The batter will be fairly thick when done. TA DA! This is the batter for the lava cakes, and you can see how simple it is to make, right?

An egg, an egg yolk, and powdered sugar are whisked in bowl until combined.Flour is folded into the thick batter for the air fryer chocolate lava cake.

Ready For The Air Fryer

Generously grease, spray or butter the bottom and sides of two 4″ ramekins, and then dust them with flour. Don’t skip this step! You do NOT want the lava cakes to stick to the ramekin once they’re ready to be plated!

Evenly divide the batter between the two ramekins, then place them into the preheated air fryer basket. Cook at 320°F. for 10 minutes. When done, transfer the ramekins from the basket onto a wire rack, and allow them to cool slightly for 4-5 minutes.

Ramekins are buttered or greased, then coated with flour before adding lava cake batter.Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake is cooked in an air fryer basket for 10 minutes.

Cool, Then Remove Cake From Ramekin

Once the air fryer chocolate lava cake has cooled (4-5 minutes), run a butter knife carefully around the inside edge of each ramekin. Carefully invert the ramekins (turn upside down), one at a time onto serving plates. If greased well, the cake should turn out EASILY onto the plate, upside down. Now you’re ready to decorate and serve this amazing dessert!

After cooling for 5 minutes, the air fryer chocolate lava cake is inverted onto a plate.

Serving The Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake

Generously sift additional powdered sugar over the top of each air fryer chocolate lava cake. If desired, place a scoop of vanilla ice cream and some berries onto each plate, and serve while still hot. When you cut into the lava cake, the fudgy chocolate filling should slowly ooze out from the center of the cake. It’s SO YUMMY!

Dusted with powdered sugar, air fryer chocolate lava cake is served with ice cream and raspberries.

Hot melted chocolate oozes out of the air fryer chocolate lava cake once cut.

I hope you have the chance to try this delicious dessert! I’m confident you and those you love will love it as much as we do… it’s decadent tasting. Thanks for stopping by, and I invite you to come back soon for more family-friendly recipes. Take care, may God bless you, and have a GREAT day!


You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have some wonderful air fryer recipes for you to enjoy, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Original recipe source: Cosori Air Fryer Instruction Manual/Recipe Booklet, page 36.


0 from 0 votes
Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Total Time
15 mins

Make a scrumptious Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake with 5 minutes prep and 10 minutes cooking time! Easy recipe makes 2 gooey molten lava cakes!

Category: Desssert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: air fryer chocolate lava cake
Servings: 2 cakes
Calories Per Serving: 598 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • ¼ cup butter (½ stick), cut in chunks
  • cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (can substitute dark)
  • ½ cup powdered sugar + more for dusting finished cake
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 3 Tablespoons all purpose flour
  1. Preheat air fryer at 320°F. for 5 minutes, while making cake batter. Generously grease, spray or butter bottom/sides of two 4" ramekins; then dust with flour.

Make Cake Batter
  1. Place chocolate chips and butter in microwave safe bowl. Microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave; stir until smooth. **If necessary, put bowl back in microwave additional 15-30 seconds to finish melting chocolate. Stir again until mixture is smooth.

  2. Whisk powdered sugar, egg, and one egg YOLK into chocolate batter until fully combined. Fold flour in, until incorporated. Batter will be fairly thick. Evenly divide batter between two ramekins, then put them into air fryer basket.

Cook In Air Fryer
  1. Cook at 320°F. for 10 minutes. When done, transfer ramekins from basket onto a wire rack; let rest 4-5 minutes.

To Serve
  1. Once cake rests 4-5 minutes, run a butter knife carefully around inside edge of each ramekin. Carefully invert ramekins (turn upside down), one at a time, onto serving plates. If greased well, cake should turn out EASILY onto plate, upside down. Generously sift more powdered sugar on top of each cake. If desired, serve with vanilla ice cream and berries. Serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

Caloric calculation is for cake only. 

Nutrition Facts
Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake
Amount Per Serving (1 cake)
Calories 598 Calories from Fat 351
% Daily Value*
Fat 39g60%
Saturated Fat 23g144%
Trans Fat 1g
Polyunsaturated Fat 2g
Monounsaturated Fat 11g
Cholesterol 248mg83%
Sodium 226mg10%
Potassium 233mg7%
Carbohydrates 55g18%
Fiber 3g13%
Sugar 41g46%
Protein 8g16%
Vitamin A 982IU20%
Calcium 52mg5%
Iron 3mg17%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Make a scrumptious Air Fryer Chocolate Lava Cake with 5 minutes prep and 10 minutes cooking time! Easy recipe makes 2 gooey molten lava cakes!

Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers

Yummy Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers are easy to make, and can be pan-seared or grilled on a BBQ. They’re delicious, with or without a bun!
Yummy Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers are easy to make, and can be pan-seared or grilled on a BBQ. They're delicious, with or without a bun!

If you’re looking for an alternative, “lighter” type of burger to try, may I suggest this recipe for Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers? These “healthy” burgers (made with ground turkey) are filled with spinach, and flavored with garlic and crumbled feta cheese. They really taste great! You can decide whether you want to serve them on a bun (with tzatziki sauce on them is good), or serve them as is, with other side dishes.

The best part is how quickly you can prepare 4 burger patties with only a few ingredients! Before you know it, you can pan-sear them in a skillet, cook under a broiler, OR cook them on a BBQ grill outside! Let me show you how easy the turkey burgers are to make.

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Prepare The Ingredients For The Turkey Burgers

The ingredients you will need for these burgers are ground turkey, well-drained frozen (but thawed) spinach, egg, garlic, onion powder, pepper, and crumbled feta cheese. You can add a little bit of salt if desired, but usually find the feta cheese makes the patties salty enough.

Place all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl, and mix them, using a fork or your own clean hands. Mix only until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.

The ingredients for the turkey burgers are placed in a large bowl for mixing.After ingredients for turkey burgers are combined, they are ready to shape into patties.

Forming The Patties

Divide the mixture into four equal-sized portions and then shape them into a ball. If you have a kitchen scale, that makes it easy to weigh each portion to ensure similar sizes, but it’s really not necessary. I usually just “eyeball it”.

Place each portion of meat onto a piece of wax paper (or aluminum foil), then gently press the mixture out with your hands to make a round, flat turkey patty. Now you’re ready to cook… see how easy that was? If you’re making these ahead of time for later in the day, simply stack the patties (with the wax paper) on a plate. Cover the plate with plastic wrap and refrigerate until you’re ready for them!

A large ball of the meat mixture is placed in the palm of my hand.Four turkey, feta and spinach burgers are shaped into patties and placed on waxed paper.

Different Ways To Cook Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers

Cooking the turkey, feta and spinach burgers couldn’t be easier! You can broil them in your oven (approx. 6 ” from heating element) until done, turning them over halfway.

If you’re pan-searing them, place them in a lightly oiled large skillet. Heat the skillet on medium-high heat until hot, but not smoking. Lay the patties in the hot skillet in a single layer. They should sizzle a bit when they hit the hot skillet. Cook them for a total time of about 13-15 minutes, or until they’re cooked through and no longer pink inside. About halfway through the cooking time (about 6 minutes), flip the burgers over to brown the other side, and continue cooking until done.

If you’re going to grill them on a BBQ, lightly grease the grill grate. Preheat the grill or make sure the briquets are red hot and ready to go. Cook until well browned on the bottom, then carefully flip the burgers over. When the patties are cooked through and no longer pink inside, they are ready (approx. 13-15 minutes or less).

Turkey burgers cooking in a lightly oiled large skillet.When the bottom of the turkey burgers is browned, they are flipped over to cook other side.Turkey, feta and spinach burgers can also be cooked on a BBQ grill.

Ready To Serve

How you choose to serve the turkey, feta and spinach burgers is your choice. You can go all in and serve them on buns with lots of fixin’s, or you can serve them “bun-less” with side dishes. Several times we have had them with salads on the side for a light meal. We’ve also enjoyed them, served with roasted sweet potato fries! These burgers have really nice flavor, no matter how you choose to serve them!

One of the turkey, feta and spinach burgers served with green salad on the side.Roasted sweet potato fries are served with one of the turkey, feta and spinach burgers.

I hope you have the opportunity to try these tasty turkey burgers, and trust you’ll enjoy them as we do. If you’re looking for another “alternative” type burger or don’t eat meat, you might want to check out my recipe for Black Bean Burgers. They’re yummy, too! Thank you for stopping by today, and I hope you’ll come back soon. Take care, and have a wonderful day!

Looking For More Recipes Using TURKEY?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, which is located at the top of the page. I have some delicious turkey recipes for you to enjoy, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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Recipe adapted from:


0 from 0 votes
Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
13 mins
Total Time
23 mins

Yummy Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers are easy to make, and can be pan-seared or grilled on a BBQ. They're delicious, with or without a bun!

Category: Main Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: turkey feta and spinach burgers
Servings: 4 patties
Calories Per Serving: 195 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 1 large egg slightly beaten
  • 5 ounces frozen spinach thawed and well-drained
  • cloves minced garlic
  • 2 ounces feta cheese crumbled
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (optional) if desired... feta cheese is slightly salty
  1. Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl, and mix, using a fork or hands. Mix only until well-combined.

  2. Divide into four equal portions; shape each into a ball. Place each portion of meat onto a piece of wax paper (or foil). Gently press them out with your hands, to make a round, flat turkey patty. TIP: If making these ahead of time for later in the day, stack patties (with the wax paper) on a plate. Cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate until ready to cook!

Ways To Cook Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers:
  1. ** Pan-Sear: Lightly oil a large skillet. Heat on medium-high heat until hot, but not smoking. Lay patties in hot skillet in a single layer. They should sizzle when they hit hot skillet. About halfway through cooking time (about 6 minutes), flip burgers over to brown other side, then continue cooking until done. Cook a total of 13-15 minutes, or until cooked through and no longer pink inside.

  2. ** Grill On BBQ: Lightly grease grill grate. Preheat grill or make sure charcoal briquets are red hot. Cook in single layer until well browned on bottom, then carefully flip burgers over. When patties are cooked through and no longer pink inside, they're ready (approx. 13-15 minutes or less). 

  3. ** Broil: Broil them in oven (approx. 6 " from heating element) until done, flipping them over halfway.

  4. Serve with or without a bun, and with your favorite condiments or side dishes.

Nutrition Facts
Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers
Amount Per Serving (1 patty)
Calories 195 Calories from Fat 63
% Daily Value*
Fat 7g11%
Saturated Fat 3g19%
Trans Fat 0.03g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 2g
Cholesterol 121mg40%
Sodium 264mg11%
Potassium 491mg14%
Carbohydrates 3g1%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 0.3g0%
Protein 32g64%
Vitamin A 4312IU86%
Vitamin C 2mg2%
Calcium 129mg13%
Iron 2mg11%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Yummy Turkey, Feta and Spinach Burgers are easy to make, and can be pan-seared or grilled on a BBQ. They're delicious, with or without a bun!

Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding

Make 4 servings of delicious Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding from scratch! Rich and creamy, you’re going to love this classic dessert!
Make 4 servings of delicious Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding from scratch! Rich and creamy, you're going to love this classic dessert!

Growing up, I did not care too much for tapioca pudding, but as an adult, I’ve come to love it! Long ago I used to keep a box of INSTANT tapioca in our pantry, but years ago found a yummy recipe to make this creamy classic pudding from scratch!

Once you buy tapioca pearls at the grocery store, you can store them in the pantry for a long time! Now- whenever we want some old-fashioned tapioca pudding, I’ve already got the tapioca pearls, ready to go! To make this pudding from scratch you need uncooked tapioca pearls, plus a few other common ingredients (sugar, salt, water, eggs, milk and vanilla)! I always have these other ingredients in my kitchen, so when we want this pudding, it’s very convenient to pull together!

Making tapioca pudding from scratch does take a little bit of time (and stirring), but it is well worth it, in my opinion. The finished pudding is cold, creamy, thick, and delicious!

Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

Prepare The Tapioca Pearls

This old-fashioned recipe calls for uncooked small pearl tapioca. You can usually find it near the pudding mixes (or sometimes in the pasta section) at the local grocery store. Do NOT use boxed instant tapioca mix for this recipe. To prepare it to be cooked, measure 1/3 cup of the tapioca pearls into a Medium sized non-stick saucepan. NOTE: Make sure to use a non-stick saucepan, so the pudding won’t scorch on the bottom of the pan during the extended cooking time. I learned this the hard way once awhile ago… trust me!

Cover the tapioca pearls with ¾ cup of water, and then let them sit and soak for 30 minutes. This “soaking” helps soften the hard tapioca pearls a bit before cooking. 

Tapioca pearls are measured in a measuring cup before cooking.The tapioca pearls are soaking in a pan full of water.

Once the tapioca has finished soaking, add milk and salt to the saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil on MEDIUM heat, then reduce the heat to LOW and let the pudding simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. The pudding mixture will thicken considerably while it is cooking.

Milk and salt are added to the pan of soaked tapioca pearls.Old-fashioned tapioca pudding cooks for 30 minutes until it thickens.

Temper The Eggs So They Don’t Scramble

When the pudding is done cooking, remove the pan from the heat. Now you need to prepare the eggs to add to the hot mixture. If you add the eggs directly into the hot pudding, they will scramble, and we don’t want that to happen! So the eggs must be “tempered” first, which means warming them up slowly so they can be added to a hot mixture without scrambling them.

In a small bowl, combine lightly beaten eggs with granulated sugar. Whisk these 2 ingredients together, to combine. Remove ½ cup of the hot pudding from the saucepan. SLOWLY (very slowly) while whisking continuously, drizzle the hot pudding into the eggs, a little at a time. Keep whisking while slowly drizzling in the hot stuff!

Once ½ cup of hot pudding has been incorporated into the eggs, slowly drizzle the combined mixture back into the remaining hot pudding in the saucepan. Whisk continuously while it’s being added. 

Eggs are whisked with sugar until they're combined.The egg mixture is tempered by drizzling in some hot pudding mixture a bit at a time.Tempered eggs are whisked back into the pan of hot tapioca pudding.

Final Steps Before Chilling

Return the pan to the heat. Cook the old-fashioned tapioca pudding on LOW heat for 4 more minutes, stirring constantly as it continues to thicken. Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in vanilla extract. Transfer all the pudding from the saucepan into a medium sized mixing bowl.

Fill a large bowl (larger than the one the pudding is in) with lots of ice cubes and small amount of water. Set the bowl with the pudding over the ice in the larger bowl (see photo #3 below). This will help to quickly cool the old-fashioned tapioca pudding. Allow the pudding to sit over the ice for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, as the pudding continues to thicken.

Old-fashioned tapioca pudding is cooked longer until it really thickens.Vanilla extract is added to the tapioca pudding, once off the heat.A bowl of old-fashioned tapioca pudding rests on a bowl of ice water to cool it quickly.

Who Wants Some Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding?

Once the pudding has chilled on top of the ice water “bath” for 15 minutes, remove the pudding bowl from the ice bath. At this point, you can either leave the pudding in the mixing bowl or divide it up into 4 serving containers… your choice. The recipe will yield four servings (½ cup each) of old-fashioned tapioca pudding. Use plastic wrap to cover the pudding (see note below).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Lay the plastic wrap directly on top of the pudding, making contact with the surface of the pudding. This will help to prevent a “skin” from developing on the pudding as it chills.

Place the (covered) old-fashioned tapioca pudding in the refrigerator, and chill completely until ready to serve. Garnish each serving with a dollop of whipped cream or a sprinkle of nutmeg, if desired, then serve cold!

Four servings of old-fashioned tapioca pudding, ready to be refrigerated.Each portion of tapioca pudding is topped with whipped cream before serving.

I hope you enjoy this recipe for old-fashioned tapioca pudding. It takes a little bit of time to prepare, but results in a thick, creamy and delicious classic pudding, I’m confident you’ll enjoy! Thanks for stopping by, and come back soon for more yummy, family-friendly recipes! Take care, and have a great day.

Looking For More PUDDING or MOUSSE Recipes?

You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have some delicious pudding and mousse recipes for you to enjoy, including:

Interested In More Recipes?

Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
The Grateful Girl Cooks!

Author's signature

Original recipe source: “Cooking Light Annual Recipes 2007, page 292, published in 2006 by Oxmoor House


5 from 1 vote
Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
35 mins
Total Time
1 hr 5 mins

Make 4 servings of delicious Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding from scratch! Rich and creamy, you're going to love this classic dessert!

Category: Desserts
Cuisine: American
Keyword: old-fashioned tapioca pudding
Servings: 4 (1/2 cup) servings
Calories Per Serving: 204 kcal
Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
  • cup small pearl tapioca uncooked
  • ¾ cup water
  • cups low-fat milk (1%)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs lightly beaten
  • cup granulated sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
OPTIONAL GARNISH FOR SERVING: whipped cream and/or grated nutmeg
    1. Place tapioca pearls in a medium sized non-stick saucepan. NOTE: Make sure to use a non-stick saucepan, so pudding won't scorch on bottom of pan while cooking. Add water; let tapioca soak in water for 30 minutes.

    2. Add milk and salt to the saucepan. Bring liquid to a boil on MEDIUM heat, then reduce heat to LOW. Let pudding simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove pan from heat when done cooking.

    3. In a small bowl, combine eggs with sugar. Whisk, to combine. Remove 1/2 cup hot pudding from the saucepan. SLOWLY (very slowly) while whisking continuously, drizzle this hot pudding into the eggs, a little at a time. Once ½ C. hot pudding has been incorporated into eggs, slowly drizzle combined mixture back into remaining pudding in saucepan, whisking continuously while adding. 

    4. Return pan to heat. Cook pudding on LOW heat 4 more minutes, stirring constantly as it continues to thicken. Remove pan from heat; stir in vanilla. Transfer pudding into a medium-sized mixing bowl.

    5. Fill a large bowl (larger than pudding bowl) with ice cubes and small amount of water. Set pudding bowl over ice in larger bowl for 15 minutes, stirring (carefully) occasionally, as pudding continues to thicken.

    6. After 15 minutes, remove pudding bowl from ice bath. *At this point, you can either leave pudding in mixing bowl or divide it into 4 serving dishes/containers. Use plastic wrap to cover pudding. NOTE: Lay plastic wrap directly on top of pudding, making contact with surface of pudding. This helps prevent a "skin" from forming on pudding as it chills. Place (covered) pudding in refrigerator; chill completely until ready to serve. Garnish each serving with whipped cream and/or a sprinkle of nutmeg, if desired, and serve cold!

    Nutrition Facts
    Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding
    Amount Per Serving (1 (1/2 cup serving))
    Calories 204 Calories from Fat 36
    % Daily Value*
    Fat 4g6%
    Saturated Fat 2g13%
    Trans Fat 1g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
    Monounsaturated Fat 1g
    Cholesterol 100mg33%
    Sodium 235mg10%
    Potassium 248mg7%
    Carbohydrates 35g12%
    Fiber 1g4%
    Sugar 24g27%
    Protein 8g16%
    Vitamin A 395IU8%
    Calcium 185mg19%
    Iron 1mg6%
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

    Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Make 4 servings of delicious Old-Fashioned Tapioca Pudding from scratch! Rich and creamy, you're going to love this classic dessert!

    Strawberry Pecan Bread

    Enjoy a delicious loaf of Strawberry Pecan Bread! Ten minutes prep time and into the oven it goes. This easy to make bread yields 8 slices!
    Enjoy a delicious loaf of Strawberry Pecan Bread! Ten minutes prep time and into the oven it goes. This easy to make bread yields 8 slices!

    Recently I made a loaf of this delicious bread and photographed the “process” so I could share it here on the ol’ blog. Strawberry Pecan Bread is absolutely scrumptious, and I’m pretty confident you’ll enjoy it, too! The recipe is super easy to prepare, and before you know it, it will be baking away in your oven.

    This bread loaf also freezes well, so if you want to double the written recipe, you can wrap the extra loaf very well in freezer bags or foil. It will store well in the freezer until you’re ready for another loaf to enjoy with family or friends! Here are the instructions for how to make this yummy strawberry pecan bread.

    Making The Bread Batter

    To make the batter for the bread, place flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda and salt into a large bowl. Stir well, to combine. Add 2 eggs, ONE AT A TIME, beating well after each one, using an electric mixer. The dough will be very crumbly, even after mixing.

    Dry ingredients are combined, then eggs are added and beaten in, one at a time.Dough for the bread is crumbly after the eggs are beaten in.

    Add The Remaining Ingredients

    Stir oil into the mixture until incorporated into the “batter”. Once combined, add sliced strawberries and chopped pecans (or walnuts, if using), and stir gently until they’re mixed in. At this point, the dough will not be too fluid, but will be quite thick.

    Oil is added, and stirred into the dough until incorporated.Sliced strawberries and chopped pecans (or walnuts) are stirred into the batter.The dough for the strawberry pecan bread is ready to add to a loaf pan for baking.

    Time To Bake The Bread

    Spoon the strawberry pecan bread batter into a generously greased and floured 9″x5″ loaf pan until evenly distributed. Pat the dough down with the back of a spoon until solidly combined.

    Bake the bread in a preheated 350°F oven (on the middle rack) for 55-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted deep into the top of the loaf comes out clean. When done, transfer the pan to a wire rack, and let the strawberry pecan bread cool 10-12 minutes before removing it from the pan. Run a butter knife around the edges of the bread to loosen, then invert the pan to remove the loaf.

    Bread batter is patted down in a 9x5" loaf pan before baking.After baking, the loaf of strawberry pecan bread cools before being removed from pan.

    Who Wants A Slice Of Strawberry Pecan Bread?

    After removing the loaf from the pan, let it cool completely before slicing and serving. We think this bread tastes the best when served at room temperature. Once sliced, you can see those strawberry slices and chopped pecans inside the bread. It’s delicious, and I am sure you’re going to like it!

    Out of the loaf pan, the strawberry bread cools before slicing and serving.A slice of the strawberry pecan bread, ready to enjoy!I hope you have the chance to make this delicious strawberry pecan bread for yourself or for those you love. Thanks for stopping by, and I invite you to come back soon for more family-friendly recipes. Take care, God bless you, and have a great day.

    Looking For More BREAD Recipes?

    You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have some wonderful bread recipes for you to choose from, including:

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    Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
    There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

    You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

    Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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    Recipe adapted from original recipe in: “Gooseberry Patch Big Book Of Holiday Cooking”, published in 2012 by Gooseberry Patch & Oxmoor House, page 73


    0 from 0 votes
    Strawberry Pecan Bread
    Prep Time
    10 mins
    Cook Time
    55 mins
    Total Time
    1 hr 5 mins

    Enjoy a delicious loaf of Strawberry Pecan Bread! Ten minutes prep time and into the oven it goes. This easy to make bread yields 8 slices!

    Category: Bread/Breakfast, Snack
    Cuisine: American
    Keyword: strawberry pecan bread
    Servings: 8 slices (about 1" thick)
    Calories Per Serving: 277 kcal
    Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    • cups all purpose flour
    • ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • ½ teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 2 large eggs
    • ¾ cup vegetable or canola oil
    • 1 cup fresh strawberries hulled and thinly sliced
    • ¾ cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
    1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Generously grease and flour a 9" x 5" loaf pan.

    2. Measure flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking soda and salt into large bowl. Stir well, to combine. Add eggs, ONE AT A TIME, beating well after each one, using electric mixer. Dough will be crumbly, Add oil; stir until incorporated, then add strawberries and pecans (or walnuts, if using). Stir gently until combined (mixture will be thick).

    3. Spoon dough into prepared loaf pan until evenly distributed. Pat dough down with back of a spoon until solidly combined.

    4. Bake at 350°F (on middle rack) for 55-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted deep into the top of the loaf comes out clean. Transfer pan to a wire rack. Let bread cool 10-12 minutes before removing from pan. Run a butter knife around edges of bread to loosen, then invert the pan to remove loaf. Let bread cool completely before slicing and serving.

    Nutrition Facts
    Strawberry Pecan Bread
    Amount Per Serving (1 slice (1" wide))
    Calories 277 Calories from Fat 81
    % Daily Value*
    Fat 9g14%
    Saturated Fat 1g6%
    Trans Fat 1g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 6g
    Monounsaturated Fat 1g
    Cholesterol 47mg16%
    Sodium 233mg10%
    Potassium 120mg3%
    Carbohydrates 46g15%
    Fiber 2g8%
    Sugar 26g29%
    Protein 6g12%
    Vitamin A 72IU1%
    Vitamin C 11mg13%
    Calcium 26mg3%
    Iron 2mg11%
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

    Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Enjoy a delicious loaf of Strawberry Pecan Bread! Ten minutes prep time and into the oven it goes. This easy to make bread yields 8 slices!



    Easy Black Bean Stew

    Easy Black Bean Stew is a hearty meatless dish, with black beans, pearl couscous, onions, and tomatoes in a savory Southwestern-style broth.
    Easy Black Bean Stew is a hearty meatless dish, with black beans, pearl couscous, onions, and tomatoes in a savory Southwestern-style broth.

    If you enjoy the flavor of chili, then I’m confident you will enjoy this easy black bean stew. The dish is incredibly simple to prepare, and is very filling, because of the black beans and pearl couscous used. Onions, diced tomatoes and spices round out the dish, and when garnished with sour cream and green onions, it’s a great meatless meal! 

    My husband and I are trying to eat a couple of meatless meals each week, and this one is always a big hit! With only a few minutes prep time and a short cooking time, this meatless meal is not only quick and simple, it tastes GREAT! Here’s how to make this easy black bean stew:

    Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

    The recipe calls for pearl couscous (also known as Israeli couscous), which is typically located near the rice at most grocery stores.. It is a round-shaped pasta, similar in size to a pearl, so you can see why it’s called “pearl” couscous. Pearl couscous cooks quickly and is a wonderful addition to this dish.

    Pearl couscous is used in this recipe, and is pearl-shaped pasta.

    First, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil on medium heat in a large, non-stick saucepan. Once the oil is hot (but not smoking), add chopped onion and the pearl couscous (uncooked). Stir often, and cook for 5 minutes. The onions will soften and the couscous will become lightly “toasted”.

    Add chicken broth, minced garlic and ground cumin to the pan, then bring the liquid to a boil. Cover the saucepan with a lid once it begins boiling, and turn the heat down to low. Allow the broth to simmer (covered) for 5 minutes.

    Chopped onion and pearl couscous are cooked in pan for about 5 minutes.Chicken broth and spices are added to the onion and couscous in pan.

    Almost Finished Making The Stew

    Remove the lid and add black beans (drained, rinsed), diced tomatoes (including juice), and a teaspoon of minced chipotle pepper in adobo sauce. Stir the black bean stew until all the ingredients are combined. 

    Put a lid on the pan and let the stew simmer (covered) on low heat for 4 minutes, or until the pearl couscous is tender. The stew will be fairly thick when done. If you want it to be more “soup-like”, add a bit more broth or hot water, and stir it in. I usually tend to add a bit more broth to ours at the very end. See how easy it is to make black bean stew? Now you’re ready to serve it! 

    Chipotle pepper, black beans and diced tomatoes are added to the easy black bean stew.Easy black bean stew cooks and broth is added to thin it out, if desired.

    Serve The Easy Black Bean Stew

    When the stew is fully heated and the couscous is tender, it is ready to serve! Ladle the black bean stew into serving bowls. If desired, garnish each serving with a dollop of sour cream and some chopped green onions (scallions). The garnishes are optional, but provide great added color and flavor to the dish, and I heartily recommend it!

    You could also add avocado chunks or chopped cilantro, if desired, to “make it your own”. This soup really does taste great, for something so simple to make! I am confident you’re going to enjoy this meal. A big slice of crusty bread on the side goes well with the stew. It tastes great dipping it into the seasoned broth. YUM!

    The easy black bean stew is garnished with chopped green onions and sour cream to serve.A white bowl full of easy black bean stew is ready to be eaten and enjoyed.

    I sure hope you enjoy this delicious black bean stew, if you have the opportunity to try it. Thank you so much for stopping by today, and I invite you to come back soon for more delicious recipes. Take care, may God bless you, and have a great day.

    Looking For More SOUP Recipes?

    You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have lots of fantastic soup recipes for you to check out, including:

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    Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
    There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

    You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

    Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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    Recipe adapted from the cookbook: “Cooking Light Annual Recipes 2004, page 273, published in 2003 by Oxmoor House


    0 from 0 votes
    Easy Black Bean Stew
    Prep Time
    10 mins
    Cook Time
    15 mins
    Total Time
    25 mins

    Easy Black Bean Stew is a hearty meatless dish, with black beans, pearl couscous, onions, and tomatoes in a savory Southwestern-style broth.

    Category: Main Dish, Meatless, Soup
    Cuisine: American
    Keyword: black bean stew
    Servings: 4 small bowls
    Calories Per Serving: 211 kcal
    Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    • 2 teaspoons olive oil
    • ½ cup chopped yellow onion
    • cup uncooked Israeli (pearl) couscous
    • cups low-sodium chicken broth
    • 1 can black beans (14.25 oz.) rinsed, drained
    • 1 can diced tomatoes (14.25oz.) including juice
    • 1 teaspoon minced canned chipotle chili in adobo sauce
    • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
    • ¼ teaspoon ground cumin
    For Garnish: (optional, but recommended!)
    • 1 Tablespoon sliced green onions
    • 4 teaspoons low-fat sour cream
    1. Heat olive oil on medium heat in a large, non-stick saucepan. Once oil is hot (but not smoking), add chopped yellow onion and uncooked couscous.. Stir often, and cook for 5 minutes.

    2. Add chicken broth, garlic and cumin to the pan. Bring liquid to a boil. Cover pan with a lid once boiling and turn heat to low. Let stew simmer (covered) for 5 minutes.

    3. Remove lid; add black beans, tomatoes (including juice), and minced chipotle pepper in adobo sauce. Stir until all ingredients are combined. Cover pan; simmer (covered) on low heat for 4 minutes, or until couscous is tender. NOTE: Stew will be fairly thick. If you want it more "soup-like", add more broth or hot water, and stir it in.

    4. Ladle stew into serving bowls. If desired, garnish each serving with a dollop of sour cream and chopped green onions. Garnishes are optional, but provide added color and flavor, Serve hot, and enjoy!

    Recipe Notes

    NOTE: Caloric calculation includes sour cream and green onion garnish in total.

    Nutrition Facts
    Easy Black Bean Stew
    Amount Per Serving (1 (1/4 of total))
    Calories 211 Calories from Fat 36
    % Daily Value*
    Fat 4g6%
    Saturated Fat 1g6%
    Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
    Monounsaturated Fat 2g
    Cholesterol 1mg0%
    Sodium 581mg25%
    Potassium 648mg19%
    Carbohydrates 36g12%
    Fiber 9g38%
    Sugar 4g4%
    Protein 11g22%
    Vitamin A 215IU4%
    Vitamin C 14mg17%
    Calcium 87mg9%
    Iron 3mg17%
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

    Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Easy Black Bean Stew is a hearty meatless dish, with black beans, pearl couscous, onions, and tomatoes in a savory Southwestern-style broth.

    Italian Plum Jam

    Make yummy, pectin-free Italian Plum Jam with prune plums! Small batch recipe makes about 3 half pints, and canning directions are included.
    Make yummy, pectin-free Italian Plum Jam with prune plums! Small batch recipe makes about 3 half pints, and canning directions are included.

    A good friend of our family brought us an incredibly HUGE amount of Italian plums last summer. He had been given so many by one of his neighbors there was no way he could eat them all. So… he blessed us with them! We ate some, and I made several jars of this delicious jam AND used the rest to bake an incredible Italian Plum Shortbread Tart!

    I’ve made literally HUNDREDS of jars of jam over the years, but had never tried making plum jam until I tried this recipe. It is so very good! This small batch recipe is convenient, especially if you don’t eat lots of jam! This way, you can just try it, and you won’t be overwhelmed with prep work or make “too many to eat” jars of jam! It is a pectin-free jam made with only THREE ingredients! I’ve also included the instructions to safely can this jam, if you don’t plan on eating it right away, or want to make a few jars for storage in your pantry.

    Scroll Down For A Printable Recipe Card At The Bottom Of The Page

    Prepare The Italian “Prune” Plums

    Behold… the humble Italian prune plum. Black/grey in color, oblong shaped, and typically harvested in late August, they’re very unassuming, as far as fruit goes. But let me tell you… they taste wonderful!
    NOTE: Plan ahead to make this jam, because the prepared plums need to be refrigerated overnight!

    To prepare the plums for jam, begin by cutting each one into quarters, and removing and discarding the seeds. Place the quartered, pitted plums into a large bowl. You will need a total of 2 pounds of plums for this small batch recipe, so get cutting! The insides of the plums are a brilliant golden hue (before cooking). 

    Italian prune plums are oblong in shape, and black and grey in color.Italian plums are cut into quarters, pitted, and the flesh is golden in color before cooking.

    Add granulated sugar and the juice of a lemon to the plums, and stir well, to combine these ingredients. Once combined, cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and place in the refrigerator. Allow the plums to refrigerate overnight or at least 8 hours for best results.

    Granulated sugar and fresh lemon juice are stirred into the plums, then they're refrigerated overnight.

    After being refrigerated overnight, the plum mixture is ready to be cooked into jam.

    Cooking The Italian Plum Jam

    Since this Italian plum jam is being made without pectin, before you begin cooking the plums, place a small plate into your freezer to get it really cold. NOTE: You will use the freezing cold plate to test the jam for doneness later on, so this is an important step!

    Pour the refrigerated plum mixture into a medium-sized saucepan. Turn the heat to MEDIUM, and bring this mixture to a boil. Once boiling, continue to cook the plums for about 2 minutes, stirring often. As they cook, the plums will perform magic and turn into a bright red color… isn’t that awesome?

    Now turn the heat down to LOW, and continue to cook, stirring often for another 15- 20 minutes. Skim off and discard white foam that rises to the surface as it cooks

    While the Italian plum jam cooks, the plums turn from golden in color to red.

    To check to see if the jam is ready, grab the plate out of the freezer. Put a teaspoon of hot jam onto the frozen plate. If the jam “sets up” within the first minute, the Italian plum jam is ready. If the jam is too runny, put the plate back in the freezer and continue to cook the jam a few more minutes. Try again, and once the jam will set up, it’s ready. Remove the saucepan from the heat.

    To test for doneness, a spoonful of hot jam is placed on a frozen plate to see if the jam sets up.

    Canning Italian Plum Jam

    Canning jars and lids will need to be clean, sterilized and hot, following recommended USDA guidelines for safe canning. The total amount of jam (as written) this small batch yields is approximately 3 cups. Because this is a small batch, I usually get about 3 half pint jars for canning (sometimes a little extra for the refrigerator), but you can easily double or triple the recipe.

    Spoon or pour jam through a canning funnel into sterilized jars, leaving a headspace of 1/8″. Use a plastic utensil to remove air bubbles in the jars, then wipe the rims of the jars clean with a damp towel. Attach prepared flat lids and add screw bands, then tighten to fingertip tightness. Process the jars of Italian plum jam (in boiling water at least 1″ above the top of the jars) in a water bath canner for 10 minutes.

    Remove hot jars with tongs and place on a dish towel on the counter. NOTE: Do not place boiling hot jars directly on countertops because differences in temps. could cause jars to crack. Let the jars sit undisturbed for about 12 hours. The jam will thicken slightly as it cools, and jars should seal during this time (you should hear a pinging sound as they seal). If sealed correctly, lids should have no give when tested by gently pressing down on the lid with a finger after jam cools. Any jars that do not correctly seal should be refrigerated. Label sealed jars, and store in pantry (or refrigerator, if desired).

    Jars of jam being processed in a water bath canner.

    Italian Plum Jam Is Ready To Enjoy!

    Keep jam refrigerated, once the jar has been opened. Italian Plum Jam tastes fantastic straight out of the jar, or spread on toast or English muffins. It is also really yummy mixed into plain Greek yogurt, or as a topping for vanilla ice cream. YUM! The recipe as written is estimated to yield about 48 Tablespoons (or servings) of jam, so even this small batch should last for a little while.

    A pint jar of Italian Plum Jam, only half full after a lot of jam has been gobbled up.A toasted English muffin, covered with Italian Plum Jam, and ready to enjoy.

    I hope you have the opportunity to make a small batch of this Italian plum jam for yourself and those you love. Thanks for stopping by today, and I invite you to come back soon for more family-friendly recipes. Take care, may God bless you… and have a GREAT day!

    Looking for More JAM Recipes?

    You can find ALL of my recipes in the Recipe Index, located at the top of the page. I have lots of delicious homemade jam recipes for you to enjoy, including:

    Interested In More Recipes?

    Thank you for visiting this website. I appreciate you using some of your valuable time to do soIf you’re interested, I publish a newsletter 2 times per month (1st and 15th) with all the latest recipes, and other fun info. I would be honored to have you join our growing list of subscribers, so you never miss a great recipe!
    There is a Newsletter subscription box on the top right side (or bottom) of each blog post, depending on the device you use, where you can easily submit your e-mail address (only) to be included in my mailing list.

    You Can Also Find Me On Social Media:

    Facebook page: The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    The Grateful Girl Cooks!

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    Original recipe source: Lora at:


    5 from 1 vote
    Italian Plum Jam (small batch)
    Prep Time
    10 mins
    Cook Time
    30 mins
    Refrigeration Time (inactive-overnight)
    8 hrs
    Total Time
    8 hrs 40 mins

    Make yummy, pectin-free Italian Plum Jam with prune plums! Small batch recipe makes about 3 half pints, and canning directions are included.

    Category: Condiment
    Cuisine: American
    Keyword: Italian plum jam
    Servings: 48 Tablespoons (approx. 3 cups total)
    Calories Per Serving: 33 kcal
    Author: JB @ The Grateful Girl Cooks!
    • 2 pounds Italian prune plums pitted, quartered
    • cups granulated sugar
    • 1 lemon, JUICE only
    Prepping The Plums:
    1. NOTE: Plan ahead- prepared plums need to be refrigerated overnight!

      Cut each plum into quarters: remove/discard pits. Put plums into large bowl. Add sugar and lemon juice; stir well, to combine. Cover bowl with plastic wrap, and place in refrigerator. Refrigerate overnight or at least 8 hours for best results.

    Cooking Jam:
    1. Before you cook the plums, place a small plate into your freezer. NOTE: You will use freezing cold plate to test jam for doneness later, so this is an important step!

      Pour refrigerated plums into medium-sized saucepan. Turn to MEDIUM eat; bring mixture to a boil. Once boiling, continue cooking plums for 2 minutes, stirring often. Turn heat down to LOW. Continue to cook, stirring often, for 15- 20 minutes (plums will turn red). Skim off/discard white foam that rises to surface,

    2. To see if jam is ready, remove plate from freezer. Put a teaspoon of hot jam on plate. If jam "sets up" within first minute, jam is ready. If jam is too runny, put plate back in freezer; continue to cook jam 2-4 more minutes. Try again, and once jam will set up, it's ready. Remove saucepan from the heat.

    Canning Instructions:
    1. Canning jars and lids need to be clean, sterilized and hot, following recommended USDA guidelines for safe canning. This small batch will yield approx. 3 cups ( about 3 half pint jars), but you can easily double or triple recipe.

      Spoon or pour jam (using a a canning funnel) into sterilized jars, leaving a headspace of 1/8". Use a plastic utensil to remove air bubbles in jars, then wipe rims of jars clean with a damp towel. Attach prepared flat lids and add screw bands; tighten to fingertip tightness. Process jam (in boiling water at least 1" above top of jars) in a water bath canner for 10 minutes.

      Remove jars with tongs; place on a dish towel on counter. NOTE: Do not place boiling hot jars directly on countertop because temperature variations could cause jars to crack. Let jars sit undisturbed for about 12 hours. Jam will thicken as it cools, and jars should seal; (you hear a pinging sound as they seal). If sealed correctly, lids should have no give when tested by gently pressing down on the lid with a finger after jam cools. Any jars that don't seal should be refrigerated. Label sealed jars; store in pantry. After opening jar, keep refrigerated.

    Nutrition Facts
    Italian Plum Jam (small batch)
    Amount Per Serving (1 Tablespoon)
    Calories 33 Calories from Fat 1
    % Daily Value*
    Fat 0.1g0%
    Saturated Fat 0.003g0%
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01g
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.03g
    Sodium 0.1mg0%
    Potassium 30mg1%
    Carbohydrates 8g3%
    Fiber 0.3g1%
    Sugar 8g9%
    Protein 0.1g0%
    Vitamin A 65IU1%
    Vitamin C 2mg2%
    Calcium 1mg0%
    Iron 0.04mg0%
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

    Here’s one more to pin on your Pinterest boards!Make yummy, pectin-free Italian Plum Jam with prune plums! Small batch recipe makes about 3 half pints, and canning directions are included.