Craving a Honey Almond Iced Latte? No problem! Make 2 servings to refrigerate and enjoy whenever you want one! Recipe is easy and delicious!
If storing in a canning jar, for every 2 servings, you will need a 16 oz. pint canning jar (or container) with a lid.
Brew 1 cup of very strong coffee OR espresso. Pour the hot coffee into a pint jar (or other airtight container). Immediately stir honey into the hot coffee. Continue stirring until the honey has melted and blended into the hot coffee.
Add almond milk and stir well, to combine. Liquid in pint jar should almost reach the top. Cover jar or container with lid. Label jar; refrigerate up to 2-3 days.
To serve, fill an 8 oz. glass with crushed ice. Pour HALF of latte mix over ice. Top with whipped cream (if desired), then lightly sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Enjoy!
Honey Almond Iced Latte